Friday, April 30, 2010
Instead of my Friday Sexy Survey, I thought I’d attempt to define something that really has different meanings for most of us. Someone asked me earlier this week if I could write a blog asking the question – “What is Human Nature?” He’s writing a thesis on the subject, and wanted to get our input on what it means to us.
At first, I dismissed even attempting to define something so broad and so unique to us all. Since all humans are different, human nature can mean anything depending on the individual, right? In simple terms, “human nature” is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition of a person; that indestructible matrix upon which character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This is a person’s nature.
A person’s nature can take on the worst traits of humankind (vengefulness, cruelty, jealousy, hatred, arrogance) or the best traits of humankind (love, compassion, thoughtfulness, kindness, humility). Depending on what messages we absorb around us, our nature could be anything. We sometimes seek and are in need of something outside of ourselves to define our nature and make us whole. They say the BASIC nature of a person, once formed, cannot be changed – and we resist change, almost to the point where we try to make others conform to US.
But if human nature were the work of man it would require a great deal of rectification. Yet since it is created by God, we can be assured that it is potentially God-like. In fact, human nature and Divine Nature are analogous. To me, though human, we are the incarnation of the Spirit, a reflection of a Divine light. The great challenge for each of us is to let go of our limited view of ourselves and trust the intimations of our soul – the “human nature” that whispers to us “you are an expression of God.” We focus outward to define our nature when the beauty we long for is already within us.
When God said He would make man in His image, most times we’ve mistaken those words to mean God was re-created in MAN’S image and likeness. But it was not the “man” - with all his flaws - that God created in his image. We were made in the likeness of God in that, through love, we can create; through love we can be fruitful and multiply; and through love, we can return to that Divine place that is the beginning.
The oneness of God, out of love, gave itself away and divided itself into duality throughout all creation. And just as in the unique features of every face, every eye sees from its own angle. Human nature, because it’s divine, is unique and manifests itself in infinite variety. Our nature was breathed into us, brought into the world by words spoken by the Spirit, and should be nurtured by us. The power is yours. The best of human nature is yours to create.
Have a great weekend!
RIP Kevin Mitchell

First Bitches!
Human Nature is one of MJ's greatest songs...Bless his soul...
R.I.P. Kevin. A good dude, and as a fellow alum - family. Bless his his spirit and his family...
I still can't believe he's gone. It's been 3 years now, but I still can't believe it.
How did POWERZ get to be first?? Annamaria must be out with the baby :)
It's all about timing baby!!!!!!!
And a slow day on the stock market! lol
Yeah Baby!!!!!! Shaggalicious!
LOL! Y'all are funny :)
Hard to define human nature. It's that thing that drives us, makes us scared, motivates us, keeps us stuck, makes us happy, makes us sad, and makes us great. It's what makes us human, those range of emotions that make up our character, our personality and guides us through. Hard to put into words and it's different for everyone. But it ties us to something greater, which I think you articulated beautifully.
Have a good weekend everyone!
I was gonna say the same thing Craig said :)
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