Thursday, February 28, 2013 popular demand!

(okay...only Serena, Annamaria and Jose wanted this)'s RANDOM THOUGHTS THURSDAY!!!

I'm sorry it's been FOREVER since I last posted. A sista's been busy! Let's see...

I've been busy:

- turning 40 years old! Yay! Thank God for another year and for seeing me into another decade!

- with my new kittens - Sasha Fierce and Jigga Man. Yes, I'm a fan...sue me :-) But they belong together :-) Thanks again to my sister and nephews for the new loves of my life :-)

- trying to stay on my weight loss journey. I'm currently in 3rd place in The Biggest Loser at my job. I have 2 weeks to turn it on full gear so I can pull out a win like I did the first time!

- working at my day job trying to earn another promotion. It's time y'all!

- writing for Hopefully you've been able to check out a few of my articles on the site. So you see...I HAVE been writing, just not for my own blog. But hey...they PAY ME!!

- house much fun, but stressful sometimes too. But I'm getting close!

- loving my boo :-) Even when he gets on my damn nerves!

- visiting friends and making new ones. Always nice to welcome more phenomenal women into my circle of friends :-)

- celebrating birthdays with others - Shout out to Ms. Lylah!

- trying to figure out what to do with my hair. An ongoing battle.

- resisting the urge to shop for new clothes. And boots are on sale now! But I'm staying strong!

- watching Scandal! That show is the

- lurking on Facebook. Crazy how that's where I get all of my information.

- learning what a 27-Piece is. Yolanda brightens my day every day :-)

- missing you guys!

What have you been busy doing? Go!


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