Thursday, June 30, 2011
Happy Random Thoughts Thursday!
- Beautiful weather today!
- I love when things just come together :-)
- My friend's short just made it into the International Film Festival! Dope! Well deserved.
- Also, pre-order my friend Dre's novel The Unholy Servants. My peeps is doing big thangs!
- If you're blessed with talent, please don't waste it.
- Don't underestimate the power of networking.
- ...and prayer....
- Annamaria is worrying me to death about these blogs! Blogger's Block is VERY REAL! LOL!
- People need to stop clicking on fake sex tapes on Facebook - you're getting hacked!
- I feel like Chipotle for lunch!
- Then I might sneak into the Gap for a hot second.
- Any fun plans for the long weekend? I might go check out a band tomorrow night.
- Thinking of braiding up the hair for Morocco - 10 days to go!
- I have so much work to do! My brain is already on vacation.
- Send up some prayers for DMurray and his unit over in Afghanistan.
- I'm off tomorrow! Four day weekends are so lovely.
- Beautiful couple! Congrats again Annamaria and Austin!

- Brian is back from Mexico - This week's throwback!
Hey Brooke, A-Buzz didn't get married by herself! I would like a congrats too! lol
And, although that's a a nice shot, it does not do it justice. DR was amazing!
Hey blog Fam! Whhhhaaazzzuuppppp
1. Brooke you lucky you posted this when you did. Serena, Lima Bean & I were plotting!!!!!
2. Austin & I had date night last night. We spent two hours in the movie theatre, left at 12:30 & didn't see anything. DAMN YOU AMC!!!!! Best believe we got a FULL refund (even though we didn't pay FULL price..LOL) and 4 free passes.
3. My baby girl just landed at JFK! Sooo excited & I can't wait to see her! I missed her soo much!!!!!
4. I can NOT stop looking at our pics. Brooke you could have used a better pic than that.. LOL.. Like the ones that the photographer took.. I gotta send him a Thank you card cuz he did an awesome job!
5. Bless D.Murray & his crew overseas. May they all stay safe & thank you for protecting us.
6. Saw some of Serena's pregnancy pics last night. I love when women embrace their pregnancy. You look beautiful girl...
7. Stef probably hates that I am back & first...LOL
8. Hi Husband... :)
9. Lil man played his Championship game last night. They played a good game but at the end due to the cheating & the fact that the pitcher kept hitting our team we lost... I told everyone they should have let me run over those kids with the truck a few weeks back.
10. Got a busy weekend ahead with my sister wives...
11. Coming back from vacation SUCKED... The 10 days we were away was AMAZING. The time we spent with our family & friends & then our honeymoon alone time... LOVED every minute of it & wouldn't have changed a thing... except maybe to make Brooke be there! :)
Congrats Powerz on marrying a wonderful, beautiful, intelligent & overall amazing woman...
Congrats A-Buzzz and Powerz!
I definitely don't like wasting my talent! I build a mean card house!
Is there any sex in the book? just sayin...
Brooke I have a hard time serving up a blog post once a month. Every day is hard as hell. you got the props! and the juice!
Congrats to A-Buzz and Powerz!!
I just wanted to say hi to all. I'm actually OFF the Internet grid today - but I promised Brooke-Ra I would post, and I try to NEVER lie.
So here's to the blog - have a GREAT DAY everyone!!
RTT!!! Hi everyone!
Yep we were plotting Brooke! LOL!
Congrats to Annamaria and Austin! Beautiful pics on Facebook!
Love and blessings go out to D. Murray and his troops (and all of the troops)! Miss you already man!
Welcome home Pia! She just got back from Afghanistan a week or so ago.
Yolanda if you chime in it was great seeing you at the BBQ for Pia! You're a trip!
We got a chance to see our friend Teaspoon too and her new addition Bailey (adorable)!
Thank you for the compliments Annamaria! I love this little boy so much and for the ones trying to rain on my parade they can kick big rocks!
It's my last day at work (sniff sniff). Everyone is peeling off one by one saying goodbye. Such a great job and fantastic organization. I'll miss my job a lot.
Feeling good but at the same time discouraged about some things going on. Pray for me everyone.
I'll release a photo for Brooke to post on her blog when I get the official photos back from my shoot. For a few hours I thought of nothing but peace and happiness. During my shoot I could envision my baby and the future.
On my FB status I put, "Get Out of Your Own Way." I meant it. People are blocking their blessings and its indirectly messing with me and they can't see it. I'm guilty of it too. Some people are their own worst enemies and really can't see to far ahead into the future. They can't see the blessings in store.
Okay I'm getting a little foggy at my desk now. Maybe I'll leave soon and start my "leave"
I think I'll go to BabiesRUs (that's always fun).
Good news...someone bought my stroller/travel system off the registry! YEAH!!!! For those that don't know what one is please go online and google it. It's the car seat/base/stroller together!
I'm so loved!
Serena... It's a happy day when someone buys those travel systems. LOL
We bought our base & stoller cuz we got a great deal. AND my boos Ms.Nay & Geeque bought us the car seat attachment.. :)
Don't let anyone rain on your parade. Let mommy & lima bring you joy. Kick rocks everyone else....
who...and HOW can anyone rain on your parade when you're so happy and positive? and a baby is on the way, isn't that always a blessing?
only you would ask if ther'es sex in the book...I dunno yet, haven't read it yet, but I pre-ordered it!
And a blog a day IS hard! Y'all gotta cut me some slack! I'm busy as hell over here!
Just ate off all my red lipstick.
Will re-apply soon though :)
Send me a different pic to post and I'll swap it out for all the blog to see :)
My bad Powerz - Congrats to AUSTING and Anna!
can't wait to see Serena's pregnancy pics!
hi Rameer! :)
Eating Subway instead of Chipotle.
I was thinking Brooke would post late again, so I was away from my computer. Dammit!
YES, I AM mad that Anna is back and beat me! Drats!
But congrats Anna and Powerz! What's wrong with that pic? I think it's beautiful!
Hey Blog Fam!!!
** Aggitated today..
** Some peopleare so unappreciative and it hurts my feelings.
** I wish I could go back and change a few things in my past..
** Omg would everyone leave Chris Hansen alone.. All he did was cheat on his wife. Cheating is a normal everyday happening.. Not that it right, but it normal. He didnt sleep with an underage girl. Relax...
** Thinking about changing my major.. but im not sure to what though... ssiighhh
**Im so blessed to have been raised by good parents... :)
** How come sometimes no matter how old a person gets they still magage to keep the maturity of a i4yr old.. GROW UP PLEASE!!!!!
** A-Buzz your picture looks beautiful.. The first smile I had all day.. :) Almost made me want to get married for a SECOND.. Then I got over it.. LOL.. Congrats to you girl!!
** Come on 4 o'clock, where you at!! Im ready to get out of here...
**When a someone is always preaching about how "INDEPENDENT" they are, usually means they are 1# Bitter about something in relation to, or just really not independent and wants you to believe they are because they ususally look for handouts.
**I so desperately need a vacation... ssiigghhh
@Stef...nothing is wrong with that pic until you see the pics I just sent her. THEN you'll see the difference..
@Sillouette...thank ya & keep your chin up. Don't let anyone get the best of you...
Has anyone noticed how darn positive and happy I am since getting married.. WTH is going on? LOL...
then again ya'll didn't see me at lil man's gmae last night.
New pics are up!
The photos from your wedding are stunning, congrats to you both again.
Love black love!
Brooke, we miss the blog, try to get rid of that blogger's block!
Now I want to go on vacation after seeing those pics...but not married ;)
People are getting on my nerves today, so seeing those pics was just what I needed!
oh wow!
I TOTALLY see the difference now! Brooke, shame on you for not posting these first! STUNNING!
Stef, back up off me man! I'm busy! and some folks don't want ALL their business out there. I took a risk posting the original one without her permission. I was hoping she wouldn't tase me for that but I had to show at least one :)
Your so pretty and innocent looking. Never would guess u had a taser and was always dying to give someone a jolt... LOL...
@Stef...thank you SEE...
@Brooke... instead you got yelled at for not putting up the good ones..U can't win.
@Stef agian.. Back up or she will hurt u...
@ Silloute...Thank you.. My taser was home.. it wouldn't go thru customs!! LMAO
Okay so the pics made me cry...again! So beautiful!!!!
I agree with is beautiful. Especially when two are on the same accord...a union.
Yeah there are people that are trying to rain on my sunny day. My son nudged me and whispered, "Tell them to kick rocks Mommy!" LOL.
Between today being my last day at work and dealing with some feelings I'm discouraged but I'll be fine. My little boy in the oven makes my day every minute! I thank God for him.
Oh I forgot the count down. Happy 34 weeks to us! 6 more to go!
Hi Silouette!
Stef you're funny! The one day you step away Brooke posts the blog.
Annamaria and both inspire me so much. Annamaria I know we have talked off line and I appreciate you being a cheerleader for me :)
Cheers for the travel system! Oh and it's a Chicco! Love it! (SU fam...the stroller has orange in it)! Also the matching diaper bag I have on the registry has orange in it!
Gotta raise my boy right! GO SU!
My boss is on his way into work with a special delivery. Georgetown Cupcakes (ahhhh)!
Hi Brooke!! :-)
WTH is Hi Brooke??? LMAO
I need a DMoe playlist right about now.
My boss delivered Georgetown Cupcakes to me (red velvet)!
A few of my teaching artists and teachers I worked with called and said they are taking me to dinner tonight (ahhhh)!
Annamaria is so beautiful (thanks for the offline pow wow).
My friend Dee just sent this and my God its on point, "A woman's heart should be so lost in God's that a Man needs to seek Him in order to find her." that's a quote.
Sorry Brooke!
Don't wanna get on your bad side!
Little Sophia is a gorgeous baby!
Your photograher did a great job! Was that the same guy who wrote the father's day blog? Hayden?
@Stef... thank you.. it was HER day we just happened to get married.. She was a straight up HAM!
no although Hayden did get some great shots. he was invited as our guest. The photographer was the photographer on staff at the resort.
Congrats Annamaria and Austin - great photos!
Brooke, you and your lady friends are all beautiful women!
Congrats to your friends on their accomplishments - and it's wondeful how much you support them. Now it's YOUR turn to write that book!
Baseball season is boring.
I need a playlist too.
Serena, don't let anyone steal your joy - you're going to make a great mother. Your love for your son is tangible and your mother would be so proud of you. Only blessings are coming your way.
He did a great job! Sometimes you don't know what you're getting with these resorts/staff photographers. The pics look wonderful!
@ A- Buzzz
Thank god for customs then!!! LOL
Becuz THAT means you surely thought about taking it.. And I would really hate to see you get tackled by security.. lol You know they are over the top now!! lol
Hey there!! :) So nice of you to join us!!
uh...Hi Geeque...??? LOL!
I'm so glad today is my last day in the office this week. I need a break! Been slammed all day!
I don't know what a Georgetown cupcake is, but I want one.
Serena, your proofs are radiant!
Whassup yall...
Sorry im late. Here's where im at:
- I'm being tested, but not only will I pass, I'll ace this b**ch. The next 24 hours will show exactly what I'm made of.
- My triplet nieces are coming down this weekend (16 year olds). I love those chicks to death, but I gotta kick they azz on the Michael Jackson game.
"...And Still Suckas!"
- I caught TV One's "Unsung" on Big Daddy Kane. Great story, and dude was an underrated rapper who brought the whole Biggie/Jay-Z persona to rap before they did.
...And now, here's this week's Dmoe RTT playlist, dedicated to Serena's new arrival. You'll catch on these choices pretty quick. Enjoy.
1. Ashanti/Rock wit U (awww baby)
For kicks once, I actually counted how many times Ashanti says the word "BABY" in this song. The result? 73.
2. TLC/Baby-baby-baby.
Feel free to get your Bankhead bounce on when you rock this one.
3. Toni Braxton/There's no me without You. Written by whom? Thats right yall...BabyFace.
4. Whitney Houston/I'm Your Baby Tonight. Crackhead aside, this was the joint a while back.
5. Jaguar Wright/Love, need and want you baby. This chick's underrated, and she flipped the Patti classic nicely.
6. Brandy/Baby.
Seemed like Brandy was poised to take over the game at one point, but alas, such is the life of another train wreck R&B chick (I love em all).
7. Charlie Wilson/There goes my baby.
Wanna see MY mom turn to jel-o? Put on some Charlie Wilson. Makes me sick. Nice song though.
8. Supremes/Baby Love
Its real old, but it never goes out of style.
9. Deniece Williams/Cuz you luv me baby
This one didn't get much pub in the niecy catalog, but its my fave.
10. Lalah Hathaway/Baby dont cry
At some point after the kid's born, this one can be put on repeat.
Stay thirsty.
Oh Brooke! They only sell them in DC. They have a show on TLC. Check out
Thank you Jay...I needed that.
Hugs to Annamaria.
Hayden's pics are super nice! I saw them on Facebook! The resort photos are gorgeous too!
Thanks Brooke. Like I said, once I pick out the pics I want I will send a couple to you to post on the blog. It was a loving experience.
I love all of the songs! Why do I have a flashback from TLC's video! Baby, Baby, Baby...
Love that song!!!!
Why did my mother just walk in my office WITHOUT my child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF is wrong with that lady.... As soon as I pick my baby up I will shank her!
Serena told me to tell DMoe that she's sending the playlist to her baby shower coordinators. That'll be the soundtrack to the shower!
I'm crazy late for RTT.
The nerve under one of my teeth is going NUTS. May need a root canal to dead that sucks. This toofus has knocked me down for the whole week so far. Ugh
Going to spend time with my Dad and family this weekend. Escaping the city and hopefully my stinking thinking.
I've had a rough month...most of it's been MY reaction to things others have done. I'm getting over it and not blocking my blessings!
Beautiful wedding pics. Congrats to Powerz, ABuzz and SoSo.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
I'm crazy late for RTT.
The nerve under one of my teeth is going NUTS. May need a root canal to dead that sucks. This toofus has knocked me down for the whole week so far. Ugh
Going to spend time with my Dad and family this weekend. Escaping the city and hopefully my stinking thinking.
I've had a rough month...most of it's been MY reaction to things others have done. I'm getting over it and not blocking my blessings!
Beautiful wedding pics. Congrats to Powerz, ABuzz and SoSo.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
You have a great weekend too Yolanda!
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