Monday, December 20, 2010
Happy Monday!
I'm very proud to post today's blog, and after you read it, you'll understand why. Serena has been an inspiration to not only me, but to many of you who read my blog on a regular basis. Her spirit is boundless, her positive energy flows through everything action, every word spoken and every word written. I am constantly in awe of her, and I'M thankful to be able to call her a friend.
I'm Still Serena T. Wills.
“Now when it seemed like I was losing and I felt like giving up,
Lord I Say Thank You.
Your love rushed in like a mighty flood and lifted me above,
And Lord I Say Thank You…
Thank you Lord for my family…thank you Lord for keeping me.”
Lisa Page Brooks - Gospel Artist
Hello blog fam. This isn’t a sermon, but had to start off with a few lines from one of my favorite songs on the airwaves. This small part of the song describes the mountains that not only I climbed, but numerous friends that lost loved ones this year. Total there are 7 of us that have lost either our mothers or fathers since January - not to count other mountains that were faced such as grieving, trying to heal, going through months of legal guardianship papers and court documents, financial stress, commuting back and forth to NYC every month, etc.
I'm very proud to post today's blog, and after you read it, you'll understand why. Serena has been an inspiration to not only me, but to many of you who read my blog on a regular basis. Her spirit is boundless, her positive energy flows through everything action, every word spoken and every word written. I am constantly in awe of her, and I'M thankful to be able to call her a friend.
I'm Still Serena T. Wills.
“Now when it seemed like I was losing and I felt like giving up,
Lord I Say Thank You.
Your love rushed in like a mighty flood and lifted me above,
And Lord I Say Thank You…
Thank you Lord for my family…thank you Lord for keeping me.”
Lisa Page Brooks - Gospel Artist
Hello blog fam. This isn’t a sermon, but had to start off with a few lines from one of my favorite songs on the airwaves. This small part of the song describes the mountains that not only I climbed, but numerous friends that lost loved ones this year. Total there are 7 of us that have lost either our mothers or fathers since January - not to count other mountains that were faced such as grieving, trying to heal, going through months of legal guardianship papers and court documents, financial stress, commuting back and forth to NYC every month, etc.

Despite losing my mother, “Marguerite Sauti Wills” to Ovarian Cancer on February 19th of this year, I could still be thankful. This holiday season, I asked Brooke if I could write for her blog because it was on my heart to show someone (if not some people) how a person like me is truly thankful during this holiday season for the gifts I, as well as my friends, already received. While some are stressing over buying gifts standing in long lines at Target; my friends and I can all stand and say we made it this year. Some want books for Christmas to stimulate their minds…we’re thankful we still have a piece of mind. Some want jewelry from their special one to warm the heart…we have started to receive healing for our hearts. Others want something expensive that they think will treat their spirits and soul…all we wanted was our spirits and souls to be restored after going through what we experienced.
Do you see where I’m going with this? Gifts are not just from a store or material items, they are from the heart and other sources in life. One guy I ran into asked me, “How can you still be so thankful after He took away your mother? What’s the deal with that…how can you still smile, perform, write…?” True statement.
Trust me, I have my moments and I let it out. I have no shame to cry, pray, go into deep meditation, talk to my counselor, friends, etc. It’s not a sign of weakness…it’s a sign of a person who wants the healing to begin and take over. If I don’t do these things, then I would be a basket case locked away somewhere or worse off…dead and gone because I took my own life. I have to be thankful because I’m still here and not going anywhere. I have reconnected with people that Mom and I lost touch with over the years, my heart is once again open for love, I can see a bright future in front of me, I finally have a job that I truly enjoy, became a co-guardian with my dynamic grandmother on December 10th to my sister Christina who is severely autistic, my writing is taking off and it's my therapy and have touched people through it, my family is being restored and we have reunited because of mom‘s doing from afar.
Today, share with a person that you love what you’re most thankful for as this year comes to a close - and don’t let it be material (ie…"I’m thankful for the 42 inch plasma babes"). No…we aren’t talking about that type of thanks. Reach down and know that there are so many people like me that made it through this year, can stand tall and say…thank you.
Make amends with that someone that is truly worth it…it’s been tugging on your heart to reach out to them. Whether it’s a friend or relative and even if it’s just a simple, “Hey…I’m thinking of you” - it’s a start. Call a friend or family member up that you haven’t heard from in a while and say, “I love you and just stopped by to say so.” Life is too short to keep things like a simple, “I love you” inside our hearts. Tomorrow isn’t promised, so just say it.
I’m also curious as to what you are thankful for - share with us on the blog and inspire all of the many readers!
When I chime onto the blog, I experience so many people that have such warm hearts, that don’t ask for much, just want their basic needs met, and can still smile despite what’s happening. Celebrating babies being born (I have 5 friends that are currently pregnant…very exciting), jobs created and businesses taking off, freedom from stressful relationships, love in bloom, health restored, dreams coming true…I see so much on this blog and I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart…thank you. Thank you for all of the compliments, prayers, good vibes, support, love and laughs. God bless and have happy holidays.
- Serena T. Wills - aka Divine Wryte
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First Bitches!
Serena, this blog was so special. You have inspired me over and over again on this blog and I'm thankful for your words and that Brooke shared them with us. You are a strong woman with a great heart and I have been blessed thru you. Thank you!
You are an angel, and it's been my pleasure to read your words and get to know you through Brooke's blog. I'm thankful that there are people like you out there who remind us that there is a God, that we are stronger than we think, that inspire us and show us how resilient we are.
Thank you Brooke for sharing this and for also being the person you are. The folks on this blog have great hearts and spirits, and I hope you all have a great holiday and even better 2011.
Hi Stef!!! You made it to be first today! YEAH! Thank you, those words mean a lot to me coming from you (and Brookey). Its been a rough road this year but I made it and wanted to write something from the heart that I hope people chime in on. What people think is a weakness helps to heal to make you become stronger. I have no shame or fear in crying, talking about my grief, how I feel, etc...some people see it as a weakness.
I know there will always be a void but I can't go crazy, become angry, etc because I let those feelings fester. So I am thankful that I can reach out and talk to people. Also that I can touch people in a way that is inspiring. :)
Serena...I hate that you make me cry all the damn time! lol
Serena is an AWESOME human being. She's not only an inspiration but she motivates the hell out of me all while being one of the nicest people I know. She's awesome & I luv her. I can't wait to work together on some projects in 2011 and wish nothing but wonderful things on her in 2011.
Brookey Baby you're da bomb. I can't wait for the day for your "blog" to be picked up by somebody that will "pay you" to write. You give people on here a place to speak their minds about every topic under the sun and not feel judged. I'm so happy to call you my friend too and glad we connected. Love ya sweetie!
Jay thank you, I'm glad I can be that reminder that there is a God even though there are some people (as the person I mentioned in my story) who thinks there isn't a creator. He is very bitter and although everyone can see his wonderful gifts and talents...he can't and its a shame because the man is truly gifted.
Best wishes to you in the big 2011 Jay! Maybe one say we can actually meet!
I'm also thankful for friends like Brooke who won yet another bet when the Eagles won against the Giants!! :(
And for friends like Serena who text me to tell me that I had lost cuz I didn't have a chance to watch the game. LOL
This is beautiful. Serena, thank you for sharing with us. I look forward to seeing what blessings unfold for you in 2011~ Much love and happiness.
Annamaria! I love you baby girl, sorry to make you cry at work. I'm glad it touched you in that way.'re a so gifted and your blessings are simply amazing to watch as they have been unfolding. Thanks for stopping through and reading, also being such a great supporter in everything I do.
Notice Annamaria said that Serena texted her to tell her about the game - didn't wanna rub it in ;)
All this dangnabbit crying :-)
Thanks for writing this Serena. I really needed this read today. You are a blessing to all of us.
Love you much, soror.
Thanks for giving her your forum today Brooke.
Brooke let's get it straight...I'm a G-Men Fan fo' life! So what you won! I'm just trying to get in on the free meal since I'll be home for week lol.
Yolanda! OO-OOP! Thanks soror. I'm glad I could be a blessing. You have inspired me. You have taken so many risks this year with contracting/freelancing and I know it's rough sometimes but one day that will be me. I'm getting there.
And we need to hang soon.
Well, if it makes you G-Men fans feel any better, I'll still make a cheesecake, so let me know what week you'll be here so I can make sure I'm here too :-)
Giants got STOLE on, so I'll pitch in the dessert :-)
You're right Serena...I have to admit I was letting the holidays get to me. But, it only takes that one person to bring you back into perspective and that one person (for me) was you. Thank You.
I thankful for battling leukemia and winning. Still not out of the woods yet but everything looks great. So, I will focus on that and my family this holiday season and the next year and the rest of my life. Thank you again Serena for the "CHECK Yo'SELF" moment and thank you Brooke for being a friend again.
I'm in NYC from this Friday-next Thursday. You might be in Philly this weekend and Annamaria and I were talking about having a brainstorming session on Sunday since she's a full time worker these days. Next Wednesday is my Prince day (OOOOOOOOOW)! Then I head out next Thursday.
Serena...reading this made me a bit emotional. I really don't have anything to write other than many of the sentiments I've expressed to you over the many weeks, months and years - because my view of you has never changed. The only thing I can say is the truth in 5 words:
You're a magnificent, beautiful woman.
'Nuff said.
B-Be nice... Serena & I were chatting Via BBM about our defense strategy and how to approach this G-man loss...LOL
But we still love them. We'll never let go.. G-MEN FOR LIFE!!! BIG BLUE FOREVER!! :)
Powerz, Geeque & Foolio before you get excited I was talking about the Giants not the Sigma's SIT DOWN. LOL
Anonymous I commend you for battling leukemia. I've ran in 4 marathons benefiting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Stay strong and the battle isn't over. I'm glad I could give you a "check yo'self" moment. When I'm on the course and a cancer patient runs along side of me its inspiring to keep trucking to the finish line. (Especially when they pass me up! You're the true winner)!
Rameer what can I say, you've been my friend for 17 years from being on the porch of Haven Hall at Summer Institute! Thank you again for your encouragement. Men like you keep a smile on my face because I know it's not too late and no...every man is not cut from the same piece of cloth. Peace to you.
My parents are coming up this Thursday and Friday and we'll leave for Philly on we may have to plan next time you're in town. I'll make the cheesecake twice if need be :)
@Annamaria, I AM being nice :)
This blog was a reminder of all the things we have to be thankful for this year...things we take for granted. Life IS too short to not let those you love know it everyday, and to let valuable friendships go or to hold grudges. Be happy and give love - always
Yes next time! I should be home late January after my birthday so maybe then.
Again thank you for allowing me to be a guest blogger. It's been a while and this was on my heart last week to write this piece and publish it first on your blog.
To everyone on here as Brooke said, love always, let go of grudges and be happy. I'll still check throughout the evening to respond to comments ;)
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