Thursday, November 19, 2009
Happy Random Thoughts Thursday!
A week from today is Thanksgiving! This year has just flown by. Next week in your random thoughts, don't forget to add what you're thankful for :)
- Can someone tell me why I saw 3 people with mullets this morning? Seeing one is one thing, but THREE??? Sup wit dat??? People really still rock those?
- What is Ja Rule up to?
- I can't stand watching people litter...especially when there's a trashcan less than 2 feet from them. Just annoys me.
- I see a pair of Uggs in my future. People say they're ugly, but they're warm as hell! You can wear them with no socks on in a blizzard and your feet will still be sweating. Getting some very soon.
- I hate paying bills.
- Thankful I have enough money to pay them though. I need to start packing a lunch.
- One of the mailroom guys has a juiced up "S curl" thing going on. Just once, I'd like to see him come in with it looking a lil on the "dry" side. Nice guy though.
- I'm addicted to Hot Pockets. But just one kind though - the pepperoni ones.
- I could swear my cat rolled his eyes at me this morning. I bumped him while getting out of the bed. He thinks he pays the rent up in this biatch!
- White Chocolate hot chocolate with whipped cream at Starbucks. Yum!
- I don't drink coffee, but a Gingerbread Latte sounds delicious.
- Silence makes the real conversations between friends. Not the saying...but the never needing to say is what counts.
- Someone please remind me to deposit 2 checks today. Walking around with live checks makes me nervous.
- Annamaria, let me know if you want me to bring your cheesecake on Sunday - so I can finally meet Lil Miss Sophia :-)
- This guy in my department laughs like Bert from Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street. I know he can't help it, but dang!
- On the news last night, they were telling people where they could buy the same lightening cream that Sammy Sosa used. What kind of buffoonery is that?
- Will Demps is fine as hell. He's the eye candy of the week on If -V- and I had a son, he'd look like Will Demps :-)
A week from today is Thanksgiving! This year has just flown by. Next week in your random thoughts, don't forget to add what you're thankful for :)
- Can someone tell me why I saw 3 people with mullets this morning? Seeing one is one thing, but THREE??? Sup wit dat??? People really still rock those?
- What is Ja Rule up to?
- I can't stand watching people litter...especially when there's a trashcan less than 2 feet from them. Just annoys me.
- I see a pair of Uggs in my future. People say they're ugly, but they're warm as hell! You can wear them with no socks on in a blizzard and your feet will still be sweating. Getting some very soon.
- I hate paying bills.
- Thankful I have enough money to pay them though. I need to start packing a lunch.
- One of the mailroom guys has a juiced up "S curl" thing going on. Just once, I'd like to see him come in with it looking a lil on the "dry" side. Nice guy though.
- I'm addicted to Hot Pockets. But just one kind though - the pepperoni ones.
- I could swear my cat rolled his eyes at me this morning. I bumped him while getting out of the bed. He thinks he pays the rent up in this biatch!
- White Chocolate hot chocolate with whipped cream at Starbucks. Yum!
- I don't drink coffee, but a Gingerbread Latte sounds delicious.
- Silence makes the real conversations between friends. Not the saying...but the never needing to say is what counts.
- Someone please remind me to deposit 2 checks today. Walking around with live checks makes me nervous.
- Annamaria, let me know if you want me to bring your cheesecake on Sunday - so I can finally meet Lil Miss Sophia :-)
- This guy in my department laughs like Bert from Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street. I know he can't help it, but dang!
- On the news last night, they were telling people where they could buy the same lightening cream that Sammy Sosa used. What kind of buffoonery is that?
- Will Demps is fine as hell. He's the eye candy of the week on If -V- and I had a son, he'd look like Will Demps :-)

- Somebody is doing the Wop right now. I bet it's Pretty Ricky ;-)
- Oh, and Annamaria, if Sunday is good, then remind me to bring you all these nasty ass Tootsie Rolls with me. I can't wait for them to be gone from my candy jar so I can put my GOOD candy in there :)
- Hug someone today. I could use a good one :-)
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First Bitches!
"Don't tase me Bro!"
DMoe aka Firston Howell III
damn Dmoe, I have to tase you. You are fast with the hands. U beat me uhuhuhuhuh.
Firston Howell is correct.Hahahahaha
- Will Demps is fine as hell is right. MEOW-Who is this guy? I've never seen him before. I've been living under a rock I guess cause I missed this one.
He's an ex NFL player. Girl, you betta reckanize! :)
DAYUM!! He's IS fine as hell. I need to go check that Essence thing. Woo-Wee!
And who is V? If you and V's son would look like that, then ya'll need to start procreating RIGHT NOW! LOL!
Used to play for the Titans I think.
Brooke, you STILL talking about those Tootsie Rolls. They must be upsetting you :)
Glad it's almost Friday - what a week.
Dmoe, where's the playlist?
Can't wait to get my eat on next week. Thanksgiving here I come. I might hit up a FEW spots this year!
i love that new 50 cent you think about me me me...
it feels like friday...
im feeling like a champion today...
Brooke i love your smile...
and Nic Nics too..
going to philly this weekend..where is the hole in the wall bomb philly cheesesteak spot?
i hurt my knee and needed an MRI...i thought the dude was going to grease my shoulders to get me in that lil tube.
im clostrophobic..sp?
made the bomb spanish home fries and eggs with cheese this morning..
i love the fall.
i love a woman who can cook...
if we cant get about not paying taxes for 10 years..or pay off college loans...or 'f' college.
damn i feel attractive today!
It's your boooy! Zay Buge...
- I won't be giving any thankful random thoughts. I've pretty much not believed in the concept of Thanksgiving or actively celebrated it since I was very little. I'm thankful every day - and don't need any holiday or reminder to be so.
That's not a knock on anyone who does. I simply never choose a particular annual time to be thankful or voice it. I feel and do it naturally. Always have.
- Ja Rule is supposedly working on a new album...
- My baby sis LOVES Uggs. I think they got the name cuz men look at those ugly as boots and go "uggggh!"
- I saw The Blind Side last night. EXCELLENT FILM. I already knew Michael Oher's story (they told it when he got drafted this year), but it's a really great, feel-good, inspirational film. LOVED IT...though it was kind of unreal how no one acknowledged how smoking Sandra Bullock was except her husband. Let a 40+ woman with a body like that walk on the football field when *I* was playing high school football...our whole team would be f'n up drills!
- I'll watch just about anything if Giancarlo Esposito is in it. It's a Latino pride thing...
- Black women would be soooooo powerful if y'all really united as a nationwide group. I say that cuz when y'all like or are in to something, it's INCESSANT how y'all try to get everyone on to the same thing. Steve Harvey's book, certain Oprah episodes, Tyler Perry flicks, and now this damned Precious movie...y'all don't quit!
- I'm at the point now where I will probably NEVER see Precious. When people try to ram something down my throat, it turns me off to it completely. And, as I've stated before - I don't like the subject matter or imagery in it.
- I've got Breyer's Ice Cream in my fridge! Mmm...
- The new sales associate at my job if a young chick who looks A LOT like Kristen Bell. She's cool as hell, and very sexy. We chatted today and hit it I'm waiting for the old white heads at work to start hating on me when they assume there's something more there than just us being co-workers...
- Going to a Happy hour tonight! Lots of stuffy "Ebony 100" types. I tend to cut-up at these things...
- Electra Moscato. Pick some up, Serena...
- I don't get it when people say they like Chris Brown's new song. It's ass to me.
- The Knicks beat the Pacers? Huh?
- I saw my friend Thea at the movies last night. She hugged me, then gave me a quick peck on the lips. She's never done that. I don't know what that was about...I'm thinking nothing...
- My team is the #1 seed in football! Playoffs start this weekend! I'm pumped...
- Brooke-Ra BEAT ME in Fantasy Football this past weekend, and knocked me OUT of the #1 position. It's the first time I haven't been #1 all year.
- I LOVE Clay Aiken's song "Invisible". I don't watch "American Idol", and have only been a fan of Ruben and Kelly Clarkson - but I've loved that cheesy-ass song since the first time I heard it. I have no idea why.
Zay!! :)
I love your smile too :)
Is the new 50 song the one with Vivica Fox in the video?
He needs to leave her alone before she flips out again. I heard him in the radio this morning. They said he's not allowed in the building at Hot 97, so they were riding him around broadcasting from the back of a van :)
50 Cent is funny tho.
"Have a baby by me baby, be a millionnaire." :) LOL!
I could go for some Spanish home fries and eggs too!
I love a man who can cook ;)
If you're gonna be in Philly, you BETTER go to Lazaros (my brother in law's spot) and ask him to hook your cheesesteak up RIGHT! He'll hook you UP!
- I’m thinking about day trading again.
- I want a new mac.
- I have “bubble guts” right now.
- I’m hungry ass hell, but afraid to eat because of the “bubble guts.”
- Can someone tell my boy to stop sending me invites to Farmville and Mafia Wars? You’d think he would get the hint after I didn’t respond to the first 5 invites!
- This year is going by FAST.
- My 3 y/o told me I was the “bestest” dad she had ever had.
- My 18 y/o told me the same thing AFTER I gave her some money.
- My brother has been on my mind lately. I hope he's ok.
I'm making a slow come back on FF. Watch out!
my team still sucks tho... especially if Westbrook is out for the season. I have no bench.
Chris Brown is having a hard time selling tickets to his shows. Gee, I wonder why....
Locksmith, your daughter is 18 already? geesh!
that means you must be REALLY old!
- I like 50 Cent's album myself. And "Do You Think About Me" is THE ISH...
- It hurt me to watch what Pac-man did to Cotto...
- 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather are dirty as hell for what they did with (rapper) Rick Ross' kids and baby momma. They're taking Hip Hop beef to a whole 'nother level...
- I met my cousin's son for the first time this past weekend. He immediately warmed up to me, though he's supposedly shy. I tend to be good with kids...always have been.
- I want some peaches.
- I need a haircut. Bad.
- The girl I'm dating told me she grew up not really watching Looney Tunes or Tom & Jerry. Buffoonery!
- The old people at my job are sooooooooo out of touch! They speak factually about what they *think* is reality, and then are shocked when reality bangs them in the head. Example - shock at the fact that Lady Gaga is as big as she is. Since they don't listen to her music, to them it's like she "came out the blue". And they do that with everything! These fools still think Barry Manilow is relevant.
- I'm hungry. I think I want a tasty burger...Wendy's?
- The Bills fired their coach and promoted a Black dude to be interim coach. They're the best marketing team to their market in the entire NFL - never do anything of consequence, but KNOW how to sell out every season.
- People here are actually upset that "Extreme Home Makeover" gave a house to a Jamaican family, saying they didn't deserve it and there are people who could use it more. It's thinly veiled racism...disgusting.
- I feel like playing some old Eric Benet today...
- I've got passes to see Ninja Assassin! been waiting for that joint!
I gotta go - another shoot to do!
Or it could mean I had a kid at a VERY young age.
But I simply tell people that Uncle Sam wanted to see how fertile black teens were, so they paid me to let some "kids" go in a tube and the rest is history.
Happy RTT -
Here's where DMoe is today:
-I hate the sensors on faucets in bathrooms. My hands NEVER seem to be in the right spot. Can I just get some damn water si vous plais?
-I'm geeked for the return of 24. It always seems to take 2 years btwn seasons.
-I'm always the dude behind these people:
The "depositor" at the ATM.
The chick who has no idea what she wants at Mickey D's.
The "blue-hair" in a Buick on a one-lane road.
Seriously people, I got sh*t to do...Speed on or get peed on.
Jus' sayin.
And with that, here's the DMoe RTT playlist:
These three new R&B releases are ranked on the DMoe scale by the # of songs I snagged from the album. If I downloaded more than three songs, its a good effort and I dug the work. If not, do the math.
Ryan Leslie/Transition. - 2 Songs.
Repetitively decent, but kinda "formulaic" (shut it MO)
Amerie/In Love & War - 1 song.
It wasn't moving me in the 30 second-span for each song on iTunes. Its not bad, but I just wasn't feeling it.
Brian Mcknight/Evolution of a Man. - 1 song.
Maybe its just me, but B-Mack's recent music is set for a specific mood and I wasn't in that one when I listened. I'm gonna give this CD another chance though. Stay tuned.
Its the holidays people.
You havin a party? Whip out these 12 handy sure-fire bangers and the dance floor will be packed.
6 Old School R&B jams:
1. Set it Off/Strafe
2. Nasty Girl/Vanity 6
3. I wanna be your lover/Prince
4. Saturday Love/Alex O'Neal featuring "Let's sing it together" aka Cherrelle
5. All I do/Stevie Wonder
6. Bad Mamma Jamma/Carl Carlton
6 HipHop/R&B classics from not-so-long ago that won't die:
1. One more chance/Notorious BIG
2. Vivrant thing/Q-Tip
3. Lights cam action/Mr.Cheeks
4. Headsprung/LL Cool J
5. Busta Rhymes/Put yo hands where my eyes could see
6. Real Love (remix)/Mary J Blige
I don't always read blogs, but when I do, I prefer Brookey's Cafe.
Stay thirsty my friends.
Locksmith, I know how old you are ;)
Don't get eff'ed up!!! lol
ain't nobody skerred LockSMIFF
Who names their kid Carl Carlton?
I'm gonna start calling DMoe "Frenchy." :)
DMoe - I'm glad you mentioned Alexander O'Neal. He made one of my ALL TIME favorite songs: Sunshine.
Come to think of it, I think I conceived my oldest to that song.
The fact that you conceived your oldest to that song tells us how old you are :-) LOL!
Not really ..... what had happened was .... when Uncle Sam had me in their lab squeezing "kids" out in a tube, I needed some good music to put me in the mood. So they gave me a Walkman (yeah ... I really went old school with the Walkman) and popped in the latest Alexander O'Neal tape and out CAME the "kids." ;-) Mind you I was still a teenager.
whatever, you were probably more like 21 or 22 :-) LOL!!
I can't tase D.Moe cuz I died laughing cuz he called me Bro?!?! Lol
BROOKE I WILL BE HOME Sunday! Run my cheesecake and my tootsie rolls! I'll even be nice and make u dinner.
Also remind me about the Uggz. Austin got the hookup. $95... Its a recession can't pay full price!
I like Clay Aikens invisible song also. Didn't follow American Idol past the auditions but I have a friend who was on it. TWICE. She can sang!
Brooke, Sophia rolls her eyes at me all the time. I'm going to punch her in the throat one of these days! Lol
Last but not least trying to get our empire up sooo if anyone is looking to buy or sell property in NYC let us know. I just helped Austin with his website. Check it out when u get a chance.
-On my way to Memphis for a shoot. I'd rather be under my Snuggie.
-I don't care what anyone says about Uggs. I've had mine for years (since that year Oprah gave them away and you couldn't find them for months!). I rock mine faithfully in a snowstorm without socks.
-I am, however, looking forward to some good BBQ chicken in Memphis.
-I had a dream I got fired via email.
-The big bossman is coming in from London to talk to me. Rumor is he wants to expand the company...I sure hope that means a sista's check will expand. I'm justsayin...
-Still want that dog! And the fact that I get daily cute dog photos via email from isn't helping. But they're so cute to look at.
-The high school crush and his wife had a baby. They named HER after HIM! Cute, if you're Gwynneth Paltrow...but how's that gonna roll in the real worlf when you're looking for work and everyone mistakes your resume for a dude's?
-The kid is cute though. I'm very happy for them.
-Side bar, why is everyone pregnant? I've got a few FB friends who are preggo who've announced it online. What's in the water?
-I love Alexander O'Neal, The Time, Prince...all that Minneapolis sound.
-Alexander is looking kinda rough these days though. But I hear he's big in Europe.
-Janet Jackson is beautiferrrr. But when is she gonna come clean about that secret love child? LOL
-I love Robin Roberts...can't watch her though because I stay faithful to my boo Matt Lauer.
-Met a dude at the club (who happened to be chatting up my friend but ultimately asked for my number...RANDOM)! He called. I punked out.
-Countdown to Hawaii! Woot woot!
-The airport shuttle came for me with half my head curled. I had to speed flatiron. I'm sure one side has more bounce than the other.
I'm done!
I laugh everytime Yolanda writes "woot woot" :)
Today is a soup day, but I kinda want a Big Mac.
No Big Macs tho.
I need to buy property Annamaria, but I have no money :(
But I have enough for $95 Uggs tho, holla!
Fired via email? Yikes!
Janet Jackson IS beautiful, missed the interview tho...have to find it.
iPod batter is dead...hate when that happens!
-Mad that Brooke knew that I would be the doing the Wop!
-Feels some kinda way when I see my friend number go down on facebook.
-Feels some kinda way when I actually figure out who it was that de-friended me
-is on the lemonade diet... I could seriously stand to lose 72 effin lbs! But if I did ..people would probably think I had Aids!
-traveled to Houston with the TOp DOgs of Comedy this weekend. If Capone tells one more fat joke about me...I'm put him in the figure four leg lock!
-know that I probably shouldn't celebrate thanksgiving.. but I love the fact that it brings the family together!
-I am a turkey picker. Meaning if you turn your head for 3 seconds, best believe I'm gonna snatch a little piece of meat of the bird.
-Fried turkey is soooo good.
Bonus -
is starting to think all Brian McKnight slow songs are starting to sound the same!
I think you're right, except he'd be taller.
- Thinking: Sheree from RHOA has a "butta" face. Her body is BANGIN', but her face needs work.
Those Tootsie Rolls are probably stale as all he**.
Brooke, get a move on with V!
Zay next time you have an urge to cook like that (homefries, etc) then bring your butt down the road a few miles and I'll invite the peoples over and we can have brunch!
Real Love Remix makes me wanna dance, dance, dance!
Someone please remind me to print out one of my readers comments and already finish my edits on my poetry book.
Yolanda quote that made me crack up, "Janet Jackson is beautiferrrr." love it!
Yes it is true...a sista is training for my 5th marathon! Momo would be proud, I'm doing it through Team in Training (my 4th one through this group). It's the Suntrust National Marathon in DC on March 20th. 26.2 miles! The theme is 5 for 35 (I'll be 35 in t-minus 58 days and counting)...not that I'm paying attention to the time or anything.
So when all of you get paid tomorrow donate, donate, donate
My goal is $1,600 (thanks Yolanda for the donation)! Also shout out to Loree J for hitting me up. Any amount counts (heck do it today if you got it)!
We're all broke but give the gift of life as I run on behalf of my Mom who is struggling and will defeat ovarian cancer!
I'm feeling very, very, optimistic this week.
Going grocery shopping tomorrow (will post a pic of my fridge before I refill so you can feel my pain).
Brooke...I'll send you a MONEY ORDER for the candle since you like walking around with live checks (lol).
By the them please!
Pray and send good thoughts and vibes. I got a cash offer on my house back in Texas. Its a short sale, but I'm blessed that it looks like the light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer to me selling! Whew!
I'm co-worker is bring me lunch.
Locked in my office jamming to Maxwell reviewing applications for a class my job is offering.
I wish my part time contract could be my full time, it's so rewarding.
The full time is...but this little thing called politics, bureacracy and power tripping is over the top here.
Who's next!
And yes Brooke...I'm doing the Roger Rabbit to Ladidadi!
Donation coming your way Serena!
The Roger Rabbit?? WOW!! LOL!!
And I just KNEW Pretty Ricky would get his Wop on to La Di Da Di :)
Never had fried turkey before. Sounds good tho!
Yes V, our son would be taller, and MORE handsome :)
I'm trying to get started on it Serena, but V is frontin on me! :)
Maybe I'll come down for your marathon Serena :)
Back again -
-Dmoe does a few cajun specialty dishes and fried Turkey is one of them. Its a science and I am a tenured professor.
-This day is draggin azz.
-An apple a day keeps the dr. away. Scratch that - an apple a day keeps me from eatin' a bunch of dumb sh*t in the afternoon.
-Noise cancelling headphones are one man's greatest inventions. Yep, the great wall, the pyramids, Stonehenge and noise cancelling headphones.
-Can anyone name a girl's singin group that stayed together? I cant.
-I just got out of a meeting where we "planned to plan".
-Selling your own 5-year old daughter (or anybody else's) into the sex trade earns you a spot in the VIP room in Hell.
-I used to love "The Office" but it got old.
-Doin "the Wop" almost always involved a "knee slap". Why?
-Please add E-40 to my list of hated/severely disliked rappers.
Your friend and mine,
- I willingly ate sushi for lunch knowing that I have a bad case of "bubble guts."
- Needless to say, my "bubble guts" has escalated to something else.
- I think I'm leaving early today.
I'm back...
- I swear I work with willfull dummies. No matter how many times I tell people how to properly use our editing software, they use it and do things in their own f'd up way...and then inevitably come to me "how do I...?" questions. I then ALWAYS TELL THEM to do things the proper way they were shown, which alleviates the problem.
- "Meet Me Halfway" by the Black Eyed Peas is my favorite song by them since they added the white chick and went Pop...
- I realize the reason people complain about work (in a general sense) isn't cuz of the job many times. It's the exposure to people you would never surround yourself with in any other situation. Really - my Facebook friends see me lobby complaints daily. I would never fraternize with probably 85% of these people. They all exhibit annoying behaviors...
- Fried turkey done correctly is a true gift from the heavens. My grandfather was a master at it, and my mother can do it pretty good. I have not yet mastered that technique, however...
- I'm taking my sister to see Disney's The Princess & The Frog. We never miss first-run Disney animated films in theaters, or Pixar ones.
- I had some fancy type of French wine that only comes out around the holidays every year. Apparently, it's like $100 a bottle...gotta admit, that ish was DOPE!!! Some special region in France that has special grapes makes it.
- I love the story Great Expectations. But while people talk about how it's a classic, no one tends to acknowledge - that's a f'd up story.
- So is Romeo & Juliet and The Great Gatsby...
- My boy Max quoted lines from the film Fresh the other day. LOVE that film...I really do.
- It's funny how these people (older ones) will criticize the fact that us younger heads download everything - but they RUN to me when they need ANYTHING in a pinch. "Can you download this film trailer?" "We need this software to do x, y and z..." "Do you think you can find a song by such and such for use on the show tomorrow?"
- I'd love to stop by Brooke-Ra's office one day to visit her. Don't ask me why. I just would like to.
- After seeing The Blind Side yesterday, this guy walking behind us as we left the theater says to me "you've got the build of a running back". I told him I wish I was a RB, but I'm too old and it's too late for that. I told him I played corner in high school, but was the practice squad RB. About 3 guys all chimed in "Ooo. That means all the star players got to tee off on you and you had to simulate the other team's running plays - you got JACKED UP."
Lmao...I kinda DID take some hellified hits. Luckily I was tough enough to suck 'em up.
- One of our Avid suites is down (editing suite). So, now people are piling into MY little editing cubby-hole. It's preventing me from getting work done!
- I'm going on vacation next week. Watch my comments be a lot nicer next week simply cuz I won't be at work!!!
Madness about that woman selling her 5 year old (God rest her soul).
Brooke...fried turkey is the shiznit!
Thanks in advance for your donation Brookey :)
Yes I invite who ever I know to come down to DC on March 20th to cheer me on. This is the first marathon that has a qualifying time to get in (1:05 in a 10k or 1:46 in a 15k). You also have to be done in 5 hours flat in the marathon (yikes)!
It's a challenge but I can do it.
Real random...
I can use a retreat somewhere beautiful right now.
Thinking of renting a condo in Hawaii next year (you can find them for dirt cheap).
I watched the Travel channel on Sunday and I want a vacation house somewhere too. This dude bought a nice one in Italy for $170,000 overlooking the mountains and ocean! What the...people can't even get a condo for that lol.
Back to's nice to dream and plan though :)
- Assassin's Creed 2 came out yesterday. YAY!!!!
Another random thought...
I need a good massage therapist in the DC area to work on a kink I have in my left hamstring :(
I have one but she's way out in Reston, VA
Need to treat myself asap to one (unless Santa will bless me with a massage).
Update on Mom...she is getting stronger. Back to really joking and has her full color again (she was fading out on the color). I can't wait to see her this weekend. Her doctor thinks this round of chemo is working through her. Keep the prayers coming...
@Lock -
Assassin's creed 2 is the bizness.
For you folks on the blog who don't know, Assassin's creed 2 is the sequel game to the original game about an azz-kickin' dude in the middle ages who rolls through Europe wreakin' havoc as best he can with weapons (and his bare hands) from the middle ages.
Cool game.
It's Official!!!! DMoe has pushed me over the edge. I'm going against my wife's will and I'm getting the game TONIGHT!!!!
DMoe, if she kicks me out, can a brutha stay with you? I'll bring the game!!!! :-D
Now that u guys r talking video games. Brooke when u come over you can try out DJ Hero!!!!
- My boy friend request my 18 y/o daughter on FB. He's 35 y/o. Should I say something?
Just got out of mad meetings! Alot I missed.
Dmoe is the debil (as Yolanda would say) with these dang video games! Now you got Locksmiff getting kicked out and whatnot :)
Rameer, you can come by my office whenever you feel like it - and rescue me from these fools!
Well...they're not all fools - I have some cool coworkers too :)
Can somebody fry a turkey so I can have some please?
Can't wait to see The Princess and the Frog!
Glad mom is doing much better Serena! Prayers always :)
Had nuggets and a side salad with low fat dressing. So NOT a Big Mac and fries, but it's better.
A "knee slap" Dmoe? I don't think I've ever done a "knee slap" when doing the Wop. I do double it up to one side though! LOL!
your boyfriend LockSmiff?
I'm assuming you meant "my boy's friend"...and yes, you should say something.
and yes, selling 5 year olds into sex slavery - going straight to hell with gasoline drawers on.
Oh shit .... I just read what I wrote. lol .....
Let me make it clear. I am strictly dickly .... I mean coochie. lol
ummm...not making it any better LockSmiff
-Mad that Brooke knew that I would be the doing the Wop! -Feels some kinda way when I see my friend number go down on facebook. -Feels some kinda way when I actually figure out who it was that de-friended me -is on the lemonade diet... I could seriously stand to lose 72 effin lbs! But if I did ..people would probably think I had Aids! -traveled to Houston with the TOp DOgs of Comedy this weekend. If Capone tells one more fat joke about me...I'm put him in the figure four leg lock! -know that I probably shouldn't celebrate thanksgiving.. but I love the fact that it brings the family together! -I am a turkey picker. Meaning if you turn your head for 3 seconds, best believe I'm gonna snatch a little piece of meat of the bird. -Fried turkey is soooo good.
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