Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Born Day!

On February 25th, 1973 at 9:51am, Brooke Danielle Dean was born.

Baby Brookeybaby -)

On February 25th, 2009 at 6:52am, God saw fit to open my eyes as the sun came up this morning. My born day - a day of reflection, self-evaluation, gratitude and celebration! I didn't have to be here...but here I am. Thank you God! :-)

Birthdays to me are not just another day. God breathed us into creation, and that was no accident. How can we NOT celebrate the day God made us? We ARE God manifest in an infinite variety of His oneness, held in his Divine embrace. We are in the eternal now of God's being. And today, right here...right now, there is beauty to be enjoyed and life to take delight in.

Those who view birthdays as "just another day" don't live in the gift of life that God has given them. They view everyday, every moment, every experience as the same. But every moment - whether it be silence, sorrow, excitement or joy - every one has its purpose and is perfect in its time and place in our lives. Sure, the problems I had yesterday may still be here today. The world goes on oblivious to my existence. We can choose to celebrate life, or we can choose to view life as an existence filled with ups and downs, hurdles and problems. Life surely brings us all of that. But without challenges, difficulties, problems and obstacles, life would have no purpose. All of those thing are simply God's invitation to grow.

We can always look back and see how we've grown and review the lessons we've learned. That we can't always look ahead and see how our challenges will be met and our crises solved is a blessing. While knowing what the future holds might relieve us of some anxiety, it would also rob us of the excitement of anticipation, the incentive to be creative, the will to do or be better and the joy of living. We should welcome challenges, allow ourselves to be surprised or anxious and be hopeful that nothing is too tragic, too scary or too sad that we can't overcome it. Knowing that God will always comfort me and catch me when I fall makes each day a blessing, and each birthday brings me to a more peaceful place.

Instead of looking at each day as just another day, we should live life in a relentless pursuit of happiness. We should strive to live with passion, coherence, meaning and integrity - satisfied that God has given us the tools we need to achieve anything. Happiness is about REALLY being alive, not just existing from birthday to birthday. It's about savoring every moment, every breath.

Sometimes we don't feel differently from one birthday to the next. Thirty six may still feel like 33, 45 may still feel like 37. But guess what? We go through changes. We may have lost or gained friends or loved ones. We may have changed our views a little bit - become more compassionate or cynical, patient or impatient, enthusiastic or complacent, invigorated or lazy. We may be in the best shape of our lives or experience a few more aches and pains - which we don't ever think is a reason to celebrate!

But we mistakenly identify our true self with our physical self, with our opinions, memories, associations and the illusions we hold about ourselves that are not who we TRULY are. The truth is, we let go of pieces of ourselves everyday, and new experiences always give birth to a new consciousness and identity - a new me. So is the flow of life - and where there is life, there's change. Without it, there would be no growth, no movement - simply existence.

I am not who I was at 17, 21, 28, 33...or 35. With every birthday, I am mastering myself, becoming the woman I was meant to be. I strive to live outwardly the best of what I feel inwardly - and I feel joy. I feel loved. I feel BLESSED!

I am planted in the faith that every year, my spirit will be raised to new beginnings, to new challenges, to new love and to new life. Thirty-six is my Divine inheritance. Day by day, year by glorious year, God is perfecting me.



Anonymous said...


Tanisha Malcom said...

I was born at 3:30 PM 2/25/1976, Happy Birthday to you!

Tanisha Malcom
History Programming

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! are fast!!

Anonymous said...



Brooke said...

Thank you Annamaria!!!


Brooke said...

Thank you Dre!!!

Anonymous said...

That's right Dre...You can't catch me!!!! Preggo got some sleep last night!!! LMAO

Peggy said...

Happy Birthday Brookey Baby!
Have a beautiful and blessed day

Anonymous said...

B, happy bday! My timing was perfect. I quit you right before your bday so I don't have to buy you a gift. :-)

Brooke said...

Thank you Peggy!

And I know who you are ANONYMOUS!!

My gift is was waking up this morning and having love in my life, I don't need anything else! I have all that I need! MUAH!

Sandee said...


Anthony Otero said...

I believe you are only as youmg as you feel...of course you do look young too! :)

I like how your birthday is at the beginning of repent now!

Happy Birthday! (for the 3rd time, the next time should be in spanish right?) Enjoy your day!

Sandee said...

IDK Tanisha but Happy Birthday to you too have a wonderful one.

Brooke said...

Thank you Sandee...and Ant for the third time :) I'll take another "feliz cumpleanos" tho! LOL!

I wish you were coming tonight too Sandee, but we'll make it up on your birthday!

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumpleanos Brooke!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Cool .... I'm glad you know who I am. Just make sure you don't quit me when my birthday roles around. I want a gift.

Anonymous said...

oopps ... rolls^

phillygrl said...

Brooke..enjoy the day & the WEEK!!! "HAppy happy birthday to you!!ehh-ehhhh"( this is something on Sprout Network!!:0)..maybe Ibrahim knows it!!:-)

Serena W. said...

First off...Happy Birthday!!!!!! We are all divine creatures gifted by God from every hair on our bodies, to our beauty marks (yeah I hate the word mole), to our imperfections. Enjoy this blessed day Brooke and when you have a chance, check out my poem, Divine Mold it describes the beautiful being that you are!

Love ya girl!!!!!!!

Georgia Peach said...

Brooke - Happy birthday girl. Loved the blog today - I definitely need to revisit my attitudes about birthdays. I definitely reflect year over year, but generally my self reflection happens more at the beginning of each New Year and not my "Born Day." I like your attitude about it - can't wait to see your continued growth.

Brooke said...

Thank you Karen and Serena!! I love the poem!

Brooke said...

Thank you Gleana!

Anonymous said...

Not only was it a blessing to you that GOD woke you this morning, but to us as well!!!! The joy you bring to our lives is unmeasurable!!!!! You are my best friend and I love you more each year, each month, each week, each day , each hour, each minute, each second!!!!! You are more to me than my sister, and I am so thankful that you are part of my life as well as Kyce and Ibrahim.

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm soooo busy today, I won't be really getting my Internet on too much...but I HAD to make time to come on your blog and wish you a magnificent Born Day! And in true Brooke fashion - reading your blog has given me something to think about - because I haven't celebrated it in years. But when you put it in the context of the day that the Creator allowed us to become one with this wonderful I actually think I was unknowingly pretty full of myself to not give my day it's proper due.

But it's not about me, it's about YOU - and I hope this entire day is filled with joy and happiness for you. Me - I'm going out to shoot Black History Month activities for my station...first year I renounce Black History Month, and they happen to make ME the unofficial Black History Month shooter...NICE.

Enjoy your day, and here are a dozen virtual kisses you can place anywhere you like...

;-) could I POSSIBLY forget...


Brooke said...

Okay, I'm crying sister always does that to me :) I love you Nicole (Malek)! and Kyce, and Brahim, and Mommy...and Fouad! All of you! God loved me SO much that he gave me the family I have. I am blessed behind could I not celebrate that?!

Rameer - Thank you! Not only do I celebrate MY born day, but I'm always so excited for my friends' birthdays as well. I celebrate the fact that God allowed my loved ones to be in my life another year, not just for them...but for me too. I never take my birthday for granted, not ANY day for granted, because tomorrow is not promised to ANY of us. This day is a day he made just for me. He knew me before I was a twinkle in my mother's eye, and I thank God He gave me life.

Anonymous said...

Feliz Cumpleanos Chica!!!! Wow, we have known each other for so long and I am so happy to celebrate yet another year with you!!! Like Nicole said, you have always been a blessing in MY life in soooo many ways. You are an amazing woman. May you have all the happiness you deserve today and always. I love you, Valerie

Brooke said...

Thank you Val! I feel the same way about you. I've never looked at you as just a best friend, you're like a sister to ARE a sister to me, and I'm so thankful to have you in my life! I can't wait to see you tonight! Love you!

Anonymous said...

My offer to attend your "ladies only" dinner dressed in DRAG is still on the table. I wanna show you fishes how its really done!!!!! :-)

Craig n 'em said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY BROOKE! I got a cupcake with a Green Peace candle on it just for you!

E.Payne said...

Happy Birthday, Chica! Make it a blessed one. Be glad in all that you have accomplished thus far. Move forward with no regrets & hog out on your favorite food. Whenever we meet I owe you a cupcake or two (and three for me) either a Little Pie Company or Crumbs.

Brooke said...

Craig, I don't partake in Green Peace activities, but I'm sure I can "pass" it along :-) LOL!!

Thanks E, I'm gonna hold you to that! Thank you!

. said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Brooke!!!
“God’s invitation to grow.” I love that. :-) Looking forward to tonight. Good times :-) Muah! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brooke! Have a great day and enjoy all of the blessings of life. Be Alive and live a life of abundance and happiness!

Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brooke,

I want to stop and wish you a Happy Birthday. Have a healthy and prosperous one.


Brooke said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you everyone - Rene...Black Man :-)

I'm having such a great day and all the love is making it that much better. Thank you you so much!

Anonymous said...


Why do you go strip for the ladies at dinner and show her your Bday suit! lol

Anonymous said...

Here, Brooke - I dedicated a special song to you for your Born Day...

Hopefully, the video can inspire u.

Anonymous said...


Why couldn't let Brooke be first for her Birthday?

Brooke said...

uh...Rameer...inspire me to do what? drop it like it's hot? "work that stuff?" LOL!! Just what every girl wants on her birthday, Luke dancers :) LOL!!

Who wants to show up and strip for us on my birthday? I may have another party just for that reason!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous does...He may come in drag though so you may get a Ru Paul Show. .

Anonymous said...

Lol! I was hoping you would pick up some moves you could utilize in the future...LMAO!

I couldn't help it...y'all talking 'bout strippers, and the first thing that comes to my mind in terms of a birthday and strippers is UNCLE LUKE!!! Lol!

Ms. Princess said...

"I'M BACKKKKKKKK!" Don't have the strength for one of my usual, lengthy comments. I'll just say "Do your thing gurl! it!" (what movie?) What a beautifully written piece. It's all about appreciating, being grateful for and celebrating God's gift of life. If you're not getting older, you're dead! With His grace, during your life, you're usurping all the sweet nectar that comes from living life and experiencing and being a better person by the next experience...a wiser person that's become richer because of the trials you've gone through. Phrase of the day: embrace it! You go gurl! And that's all I have to say about that.
~Love, Princess

Brooke said...

Thank you Ms. Princess! and thank you for sharing my birthday with me, I had a blast!

Val was like "she's such an awesome person!" :-)

...oh...and Love Jones...your girl Josie (Lisa Nicole Carson) :-) - you know better than to test me on one of my favorite movies :-)

I thank God for such an amazing day and bringing me through another year of life, blessed!

Ms. Princess said...

Awww, now I'm all vaklempted (sp?) Tell her thank you so much and it was a fabulous time had by all!
I forget that you co-wrote Love Jones. I gotta stop testing you with that one.
PS - why are we still up?
Be good!

~Love, Princess

Brooke said...

yes, let's take our behinds to bed! Awesome day! Thank you all!

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