Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Happy Hump Day!

Personally, I’ve never really liked the “p” word. I have a hard time even typing it. The word “pussy” always seemed so crass to me. I’m not offended by it, I don’t think it’s demeaning (unless you’re referring to man…cuz then it takes on a different meaning), but I’ve just never liked it. I had to get used to writing it for my sexy Brooklyn stories, but saying it is an entirely different thing for me. I’m not much of a “dirty talker,” but I’ve said it when asked of me in the heat of the moment. It just doesn’t roll off my tongue.
Pussy. Five letters. Each letter by itself is harmless, no impact. But put them together and I cringe. It’s a slightly vulgar term to me, just like cock, cunt, f*ck (another word I have a hard time using when referring to the act of sexual intercourse…even though, sometimes, f*cking is the only way to describe what you’re doing….but I digress). I put the “p” word in the category of words I’d never ever say in front of my mother – not that I go around using the word “vagina” all willy nilly around her either. I just don’t understand why the word bothers me so much.
I’m a open person when it comes to sexuality, as many of you know about me by now. Human sexuality is a wonderful, natural thing, and to suppress that is unhealthy. Our bodies were designed to work a certain way, and to claim that sexuality or desire is wrong when it involves two consenting adults would be to deny the very purpose of our anatomy and biology. The human body is a wonderful thing and I don’t think there is anything wrong with discussing it in any way. I’m not ashamed of the word when describing female genitalia because I don't understand how anyone could be so ashamed of something so beautiful. It just simply isn’t a “beautiful” word to me.
So am I the only one? Is it just me seeming "prudish" - even though I’m not? And to be fair, I’m not that fond of the word “dick” either when referring to male genitalia – although I don’t have ANY problem saying it when someone is ACTING like a dick. Go figure.
Call me a sucker for textbook terminology, but that’s just the way I was raised. My mother always used the proper terms for our private parts, and it stuck with me I guess. Like I said, it doesn’t offend me when I hear other people say it, but there are just some words that you’d have to yank out of my mouth if you ever want to hear me say them. I know the “P” word may be sexier and evoke more passion, but for me, it’s a bad word.
So, that being said – what do YOU call your private parts? Any favorite slang terms for it? Va-jay-jay, kitty kat, or as Martin Lawrence called it in Boomerang…"the TWIZZOD!” Actually, that may be worse! LOL!
Let’s hear it! But please try to keep it tasteful – it’s not TMI Tuesday :-)
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First Bitches!!!
I hope you get Tased.
I have no problems with any of these words. I use them rather well. lol
I'm mad at Geeque for being first and that Brooke put a FLAMING Pussy on her blog! LMAO!
Clearly I have no problem writing or saying the word :-)
I bet you no problem with a lot of words
@Ant.. you don't worry. I will tase Geeque the MINUTE I see his ass on Saturday... I might call him a vulgar name while tasing him just to teach him a lesson..LOL
I don't like the P word either but I can call someone a dick like if that's the name written on their birth certificate. LMAO
Pum Pum or Precious Jewels are some other terms I use. The funniest one I have heard in a while is "box!!" I just think it's hilarious. "I gave him some box!" That shit sounds crazy.
I literally laughed out loud @ The TWIZOD! Every time I think of that scene I have to say it out loud.
As you know, I'm very comfortable with all sorts of terminology. My question is what do YOU call it in the heat of the moment Brooke? *gets a pen*
I've actually done polls with women to find out which terms are more palatable for them in stories. Though sometimes you just gotta say pussy and get on with it...
My go to terms in public are "goods" "box" "privates" and "kitty". For the manhood they are "schlong" "dick" "thang" and "stuff"
in private...mostly filthy...
As a writer words are powerful to me so they will have effects on me emotionally. In the heat of the moment i find those words to be motivating, adding spice to the recipe that is sexual nourishment. That being said there are other terms for vagina that i use as well: The Crackhouse, Hidden Valley Ranch, Heaven on Earth, Juicebox, and "GINA". Now there is a whole rating system involed with the term "GINA" but that is for another blog. Words are powerful....especially the P one.
Crackhouse and "GINA"?? - LMAO!
In the heat of the moment, I might just say "lick me there" LOL! then I'd leave YOU to figure it out :)
I need a minute with this blog - whew!
I remember calling it the Holiest of Holies.. Ah, to be a kid and think about shit like
Brooke if you don't say it you leave it open to interpretation... U say lick me there & fuck around and have a dude lick you in your elbow...LMAO...How pissed would u be?
If a dude licks me on my elbow, that will be his last lick on me :)
Although, I HAVE been licked in the armpit before... :)
You put emphasis on "YOU"...was that an invite...just sayin...
I've called it "V' and now with True Blood that makes even more sense because it can make you feel mo powerful.
"Flower", "cooch", "Nana",
I'm laughing at every single one of these terms. Y'all crazy
I agree with Annamaria..some times you gotta be specific...
Okay...I'm back. I needed to regroup.
I've always used the p word to describe a woman's private area. I've also grown up saying "cooch" and "snatch." That last one IS kinda crass I admit, but not as bad as some others my boys use.
I just say "dick" when describing my ish. No fancy names for it.
I find it odd that you have a problem saying that word Brooke given the stories you've written. I know you're a good girl, but your stories are HOT, so I'd never guess the word p*ssy would unnerve you. Interesting :)
You still sexy as hell though :)
I just realized that Ant took a dig at me! Is he acting like a DICK? LMAO!
just jokes, just jokes! LOL!!
@Brooke(lyn). I'll be sure not to use to "P" word in your presence.
M Fitzgerald
Okay "King Hercules" :-)
Um...what is all this King Hercules business??? Is that another name for "it"? LOL!
And wasn't M Fitzgerald the name of one of Brooklyn's characters?
@Stef - is working the private investigator magic...NIIIIIICCCEEE!
What's Good family!
LMAO! Too many to name.....Coondinky, Tuney, Gash, Twinkle, Snatch, Dark Cavern,
for the Dick there is: Dick, Cock, Magic Stick, Thunder Stick, Louie and the twins (Balls included in that one) Nuts, Sack, pouch, Tea Bag....
Take your pick!
"lick me there" mean lick my Asshole to me and I am ON IT!
Not on you Cousin but on any other woman!
Um...Tony is funny :)
Inside joke :)
Yeah, I wanna know! LOL!
"Twinkle" and "Louie"??? You are TOO much! LMAO!
yeah, we kinda figured you wouldn't lick your cousin's asshole :)
Did you write that blog for Annamaria yet??
I'm still trying to figure how "Tuney" is a synonym for pussy. LOL!
Hi everyone,
I'm not really big on slang terms for genitalia either, but I've used the p word a time or two. No big nick names for my meat either, dick will do just fine :)
Tony's terms are HILARIOUS!
I still need to wash my eyeballs because Tony even referred to his cousin's asshole in the same comment.
still haven't gotten my blog from Tony or Dominatrix!
Yeah, that creeped me out for a second too :) LOL!
Brooke, I'm with you, I don't like the P word either. It's just crass and vulger to me. I prefer either the technical term, or something like "Ms. Twylah" :)
Same thing for male genitalia - give it a cute nick name so I don't have to call it a d*ck.
I love ALL of those words, just in case anyone was wondering ;) Being that I love all things Pussy AND Dick - none of those words offend me!
Annamaria, what would you like the blog to be about? with your cute self ;-)
@Courtney - Ms. Twylah is cute. "Hey, how about me, you, Mr. Strong and Ms. Twylah spend some time?" That works.
Yeah, I like that Fury! :)
This blog had me cracking up today - good one!
I like all the words, but I' not much of a dirty talker either.
Damn so there are no dirty talking women on this blog? Not even in the heat of the back breaking, you're really getting it great, this will be the biggest O you've ever had...moment??
oh no, I din't say all of THAT now. I can say some colorful things in that moment, and none of them involve the P word :)
Ok so just the P word is off the menu...well...not in the discussion because I'm certain you want it on the menu...
yes, for someone else to sample :)
This was really funny! I used to have a problem with the "P" word but now, I'm like Grace Charles in Boomerang calling it out without fear of censorship!
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