Thursday, September 8, 2011
Happy Random Thoughts Thursday!
- This weather is definitely "fall-like" already. Summer was OUT!
- We're having a company wide pizza party today. "Yay!" for not buying lunch, but "boo!" for having to really sign up for spinning today to work it all off :-(
- Annamaria has a book club and I'm in it! We're reading "The End of November" by Nicole Sharpe if anyone wants to read along :-)
- I haven't read a book in months....that's so sad.
- I want a Pepsi right now for some reason. Guess I'll go get water instead.
- I hate when people go thru my stuff.
- Jordan (Serena's baby boo) is gorgeous! His smile just melts your heart :-)
- This weather is definitely "fall-like" already. Summer was OUT!
- We're having a company wide pizza party today. "Yay!" for not buying lunch, but "boo!" for having to really sign up for spinning today to work it all off :-(
- Annamaria has a book club and I'm in it! We're reading "The End of November" by Nicole Sharpe if anyone wants to read along :-)
- I haven't read a book in months....that's so sad.
- I want a Pepsi right now for some reason. Guess I'll go get water instead.
- I hate when people go thru my stuff.
- Jordan (Serena's baby boo) is gorgeous! His smile just melts your heart :-)

- I saw my Godson Lee this past weekend. That boy is a little genius. Love him!
- Hug and kiss the ones you love - and tell them you love them every day.
- I'm in meetings all day today...not fun.
- I've taken care of two plants for almost a year now and they're thriving. I've never been able to keep plants this long. I'm pretty darn proud of myself! I had a little bit of help though - shout out to Tanisha for helping me water them :-)
- I need to hit the lotto.
- Why do mothers work your nerves so bad? I love her dearly, but sometimes.......
- Never mind...I'm grateful for her.
- I can't believe we're coming up on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Still praying for those who lost loved ones that day.
- Happy Birthday LockSmiff :-)
- Is anyone else sad that Det. Stabler won't be back on Law & Order: SVU this season? Just me? Ok.
- Don't let me forget to do my football picks today - SUpreme Fantasy Football League with Rameer in full effect!
- Today's throwback courtesy of our favorite RTT Playlist guru - D to the Moe!
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first bitches!
Damn. 2nd.
1. Going to tase Ant..
2. Brooke my mother works my nerves ALL the time especially because sometimes I have to remind her that I gave birth to Sophia. BUT like you said we are lucky to have them to work our nerves. I think that means that they care...LOL
3. I'm gonna work Sophia's nerves.
4. I love the Fall. It's my favorite season. But I was NOT prepared for it to be here so soon.
5. My inner nerd is VERY excited about book club. Trying to see if the author comes to the first meeting. :-)
6. LOVE Pepsi
7. Baby THOR is beautiful. He's such a shining spirit just like his mama...
8. 10 years since 9/11. Damn that's crazy. I heard the first responders were not invited to the ceremony due to lack of space. THAT IS FOUL...Bad call Bloomy.
9. The Diva Leah started Preschool this morning!! :-)
10. After weeks of Sophia being used to her preschool she has resumed crying in the mornings when I drop her off.
11. The best thing about this weather is my desire to cook.
The other day I made rice with broccoli, collard greens & baked chipotle chicken... Then I made apple crisp for dessert. IT WAS SLAMMIN. and just cause. :-)
12. Back to homework with the kiddies
13. Sophia has to start wearing her school uniforms next week!
14. Why did a crazy client follow me to my car after work yesterday to talk to me??? WTF...
15. I'm hungry. gonna have a cuban sammich for lunch. Can't wait.
RTT!!! Hi Everyone.
* Not in a great mood today..(a first in a long time),
but maybe i will feel better later. :o(
* My mom is so sweet , she always knows what to say
* Omg, my new baby sister will be here soon. Im so excited
* You past should be left in the past.(I'll will toast to that).
* Wow, Thanksgiving and X-mas is right around the corner. YAy!!
* Im so thankful to be employed.
* Tomatoe slices for lunch today.. yummy...
* It dont matter how much time goes by , some people just dont change
then they swear up and down they dont do certain things no more.
but in all actuality, they STILL doing it and surrounded by it.
* I hope everyone is having a great day.
* The strawberry Letter was interesting today.. Smdh
* After watching "Deadly Women" and "Who the Bleep did I marry"
this past weekend, Im convinced that people are crazy and
or losing their freaking minds on a scale beyond normal belief..
* Everyone have a good day...
PS. If I have anymore random thoughts I will post them later..
Damn you, Ant. Lolz...
- I started my first blog - it's called Shoot, Pass, Quibble! It's my take on sports. I finally decided to list to people and write one, but in the end - I still wanted to stay out of talking really serious stuff. There IS the potential for serious talk in sports obviously, but not as much as, say, politics.
And I know sports pretty well, so that helps.
If you'd like to keep up, it's Or "like" it on Facebook - Shoot, Pass, Quibble!
- Because I need to write for my blog, this will be my only most likely...
- I'm on a new football team again this Fall (I switched to a new league). The QB on my team is young, cocky - and not s good as he thinks he is. We lost the first game due to him. The league website is calling for me to take over, as I easily led us to scores when I took over (but it ended being too late to bring us all the way back, not enough time). It said ego will prevail, and they'll go with the other guy (apparently, he's known for being overrated). I agree - but it's not my team. I just hope he simply had one bad game.
- Caroline Wozniakci vs. Andrea Petkovic today. Caroline's my fav tennis player - let's gooooo!
- I hate when I really like Lil' Whoopi songs - but "She Will" with Drake is kinda hot to me...
- my girl stayed home ill today. I'm gonna spoil her before I have to leave...
- I think I know more attractive, aggressive women than any man I'm acquainted with...
- I'll be at work for the start of the NFL season. Thank gosh for the Internet and streaming...
- Syracuse is 1-0, baby! GO 'CUSE!!!
- Why do people pay so much attention to the GOP and get riled up? It's like a bad TV program - you don't like it, don't watch. *I don't*...
- Peyton Manning? Yikes.
- Pineapple Sherbert is yummy.
- I know a lot of people run to keep in shape...I just CAN'T. I've tried - I simply can't run aimlessly for an hour. I need to e playing a sport...
- ESPN is going overboard with their NFL programming. They're already the undisputed sports leader - are they trying to crush NFL Network or something??
- "Sons Of Anarchy" is back - and better than ever.
Gotta go. Take care y'all!!!
-I met Serena's baby Jordan on Tuesday. I held him for like an hour, fed him twice and burped him. And now I'm having an internal "maybe I should unlock my womb one day" struggle. Darnit!
-I made a Powerpoint presentation for my Mom to "reveal" her surprise trip to New Orleans for her 60th birthday. I'm such a geek.
-Added your blog to our blogroll, Rameer. I'm so excited for you. I hope all of us achieve great success with our ventures so we can quit working for the man.
-Speaking of work... ARGHGHGHGH! I hope the President has something good to say about jobs tonight. I've hit the "blah" stage... but I am job searching again this morning.
-Verizon owes me 70 bucks. Woot woot. But no woots for the 16 days I was without service. Darn rain.
-My hot water heater may have gone kaput. Nothing like a cold shower to wake your arse up.
-Home ownership is wonderful. Until it's not.
-Geez. My complaining today is bad.
-I just complained about complaining.
-May have to check out your book club. It's taking me FOREVER to finish the follow up to "Push" ("Precious") though. It's just way too grim in certain parts. Yuck.
-I co-sign on the running. I mean, I "get" it but I prefer the elliptical. I use the treadmill but I kinda have a fear of being the one who trips and falls off the treadmill at the gym. I prefer the Zumba.
-Fall is my favorite season.
-I LOVE the "The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl." I hope it gets picked up as an actual show.
-"Colombiana" was pretty good (minus the 2 women who sat behind me who debated the location of the opening shots... "Is it Russia? Iowa? I don't know where that is, girl." I wanted to turn around and scream IT'S COLOMBIA, BISH! But I refrained).
-More later. Maybe.
I can't run because I have bad knees, but it's great exercise. I prefer spinning and the elliptical myself.
I had the opposite problem this morning Yolanda, no COLD water. It was a scorching HOT shower! I felt like I was sizzling!
I'll add you to the book club!
Yolanda is going to unlock her womb?! This I gotta see :)
Meanwhile, mine is dusty.
Gotta follow Rameer's blog!
and check out Columbiana - I wanna see that.
I'm cat sitting, and the cat pretty much slept on my face all night. But so sweet. I miss Cole :(
Where is this damn pizza?! I'm so hungry!
Is that the sun I see?
Whassup yall...
- Tonight’s gonna be a tough one. The opener in Lambeau? The Saints running game will be key.
- My fresh Brees jersey gets the plastic off it. Tonight!
- My fantasy football team name is "Pimpin Ain't Breesy" (collar pop)
- My grandmother passed away last night after a long fight. Gotta get my mind right to face the storm that comes with her funeral.
- Also gotta make sure I’m exactly what my dad needs as he copes with the loss of his momma.
- Think I’m listening to a bunch of “Neva scared”, or Pac or Biggie as I prep for tonight? Child please. I need jazz badly to cool my azz out....Bone Crusher comes later.
- I got a tail light out, and a chick told me at a red light this morning. I went all Billy Dee til I saw she had a bluetooth on her ear.
No raps for you boo. Your "blinking" blue.
- Got some new sunglasses, and I think I got my Magnum P.I rollin.
- Fall is the ish. Love that season.
- I just had a Pepsi.
- Thanks for the love B.
- Cuban Sandwich? (Hand raised)
- Love the blog name Rameer. Real clever.
- The 26th reason I love Yo: "Colombia Bish"
- People who bring drama to life should be told any combination of these things in no particular order: Dip, bail, creep, catch fire, haul azz, kick rocks, agitate the gravel, make yo head get small.
Playlist is on the way.
Ummm is Yolanda going to come to my house for book club meetings??? I'm going very geek on this & participation is a must! LMAO
Oh, my isht is maaad dusty, Brooke.
LOL @ Taser. I'll just read the books. I need prodding to read sometimes and a following along with y'all might be good for me.
Love you too, DMoe!
I didn't expect Brooke to post this early, so I'm late...again!
Sorry to hear about your grandmother Dmoe. My condolences to you and your family.
Fall is my season - only because of football.
Gonna go check Ram's blog in a few.
Yolanda is so cute to me :)
But she's DMoe's woman ;)
So Annamaria can cook huh? Gotta love that. I know Brooke can cook too - waiting for her to invite me over for dinner. Or maybe I'll join the book club so I can come to Anna house to eat.
Brooke and Yolanda need to have babies now so Anna and Serena won't be lonely. Brooke, need a donation? ;)
I make cute babies.
Now I want a Pepsi.
I'm in no football leagues this year, Fantasy or otherwise. What up wit dat?
I love a woman who loves sports.
Yes I can cook. My husband was LOVING that food coma I put him in on Tuesday... YES I cooked like that AFTER coming home from work.. BANANAS...
There are NO men involved in book club... Probably cuz I don't know too many that will sit down & read and want to talk about the book afterwards...
RTT! Hi everyone!
Brooke, you could post the smiling face pic on here so people can see what Jordan's smile does to people (ahhh)!
I gave him a bath last night and was snapping pictures lol.
About to go to the doctor (wish us luck he has to get a shot). Boo!
I'm hooked to America's Got Talent!
Although I'm a new mommy I have a writing deadline by Sept 30th. A contest that my girl Shadra sent me. Wish me luck.
Shameless plug...but I have 30 books to sell of the anthology that I'm published in. Help an unemployed recent new mommy sista out!
I love this guy named Noel Gourdine (something like that). His music is niiiiice!
I love motherhood!
More after we get back...hopefully!
That is where you are wrong - I love to read and I have no problems discussing books. So who's cookin? LOL!
pic of baby Jordan is up on the blog now :)
This week's playlist tunes your ear to some artists/songs you may/may not have slept on. For those in the know, you know how good these joints are.
1. Frank Ocean | Novacane.
The rapidly rising kid with the "Watch the Throne" credits has been penning some hits as of late, but his best work lies squarely between the walls of his debut mix tape "Nostalgia/Ultra". This song's gonna make you a fan.
2. The Floacist | You.
Ever wonder what happened to the 50 percent of Floetry NOT named Ambrosius? The spoken word half of the duo's got her own solo work, and this track is all that with icing.
Full Crates & Mar | Aftersexin - Pulled from the legendary Full crates mix tapes, this track is a simple futuristic, R&B groove with an infectious feel. Cop you one.
Kissey Asplund | Caos -
Another track featured on Full Crates that's nice for the rainy days in life. Listen closely, and you'll hear the clever sample of Vince Guaraldi's "O Christmas Tree". Yep, cats is sampling Charlie. Charlie Brown.
Little Brother | Good Clothes -
If you aint up on Little Brother, you can thank me later. If you are, your a fan of the clever, conversational wordplay, top-notch productions and inventive loops. This aint your lil cousin's kinda rap. This is your kind.
Hil St. Soul | We were in love - Asking me why this chick doesn't get the pub she really deserves is like asking me why hot dogs come in a pack of 6, but the buns come in a pack of 8. I got no clue, but she's fly and can sing. Start the fandom here.
Maysa | I can't help it -
The Michael Jackson one? From Off the Wall? Two words: Hell. Yeah. Put me down for the best cover of this song I own, and i got like 6.
Vargo | Relax. I go through these phases where I search for new sounds just cuz I wanna feel some new ish. (Channeling my inner Katt Williams - we ALL have one) "This ish right here? This ish? Right here?" When you need 5 simple minutes to completely escape on your own air, this song melts stress like butter. Its from the Cafe Zen Digital Box set, which should be illegal for its ability to sedate yo azz.
Sabrina Malheiros | Equilibria - A friend asks you to meet for drinks in a chill spot you walk past every day and didn't even know was there. You walk in, the vibe is fresh, and the next thing you know, your sittin in a fly chair tappin your foot to something funky. This is what you hear.
Stay thirsty.
Jordan is so cute! And so expressive already! Adorable!
Where has the summer gone that quickly?! Geez!
I need a new boyfriend.
I had a Pepsi today too.
Motherhood seems so great. One day hopefully.
Hope the Pres has something good to say about jobs tonight. So many people are in need.
I have no food in my fridge.
I need to learn to cook new things.
Maybe I'll read along with the book club too :)
I want a new car. Maybe it'll come with my new boyfriend.
Love the throwback today DMoe!
@Cable Guy...umm no..Brooke said you can not join. LMAO
For those who actually do want to read the book for this month is The End of November By Nicole Sharpe. She's one of Powerz clients
Her mother was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her father. He ended up killing her mother in front of her when she was 11. And this is her story. I chose this book because I am doing a climb against domestic violence..(ANYONE WANT TO DONATE)
Thanks for the shout Courtney.
And I dig yo randoms too.
oh and my condolences D to the Moe.
Courtney what car dealership you going to??? Watch out for them girl cuz something don't sound right...LMAO....
1) Jordan is a handsome baby for sure! Makes me want to go home and start working on a boy!
2) With my luck baby 3 would be another blessing but another girl!
3)Marriage is hard! Parenting even harder! Love both jobs though!
4)My 9 to 5 (more like 8 to 7) slave job is hard! Need a change of scenery!
5) Baby Brooke is no longer "Baby" Brooke, she is already given me attitude @ only 20 months! I have a whole lifetime of attitude ahead of me! Oh joy! Her sister giving me the" Ima phuck u up too look" and she's only 5 months! I need that son fast!
6) Rameer, I like the name of your blog. I will definitely check that out!
7) Had bad Sushi for lunch!
8) My boss is a jerk!
9) Hope I land the job that I interviewed for last week! It's time for a change and more money!
10)I hope the Saints put a hurtin' on Greenbay tonight!
11) Coke is it! (the cola of course)
12) This old guy on the street mistook me for CC Sabathia! Really dude? Time to hit the gym again!
13) Did T.O. say his credit score is in the 500's and also imply that he is under financial duress? It's 2011 man, be about your business! I hope that is all drama for TV!
14) Just tired!
15) Saw my high school buddy DJ Envy in his Red "you be killin em" Ferrari California a couple of weeks ago! I told my parents all I needed was two turn tables and a mic! Instead of the Ferrari I have two MASSIVE STUDENT LOANS! Yikes! Must say I was green with Envy LOL!
16)I cannot believe that it has been 10 years since the 09/11 attacks! It sits so fresh on my mind!
Floyd, you're going for a third?? Geesh! Only 15 months in between your first go boy!
Motherhood seems nice, but SCARY! The thought terrifies me, but for some reason I hope I don't miss it.
Just ate some gummy fish and now I feel sick.
Yes, I heart T.O. say his score was in the 500's too - how do you blow thru millions of dollars like that? never liked him...he's a clown.
I've been dealing with nonsense this entire day and nothing is resolved. See what happens when people don't listen to me?
What do you mean "something don't sound right?" LOL! I just want a new car, but haven't started shopping for one yet. I need a change.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother DMoe.
Getting a new car is fine... The man that comes with the car.. A lil fishy sister.. LMAO..
I meant at the same time! Not that a man would be in the trunk! :) LMAO!
I've been MIA - how's everyone doing?
Jordan is a cutie. So blessed you are Serena.
Condolences DMoe on the passing of your grandmother.
Good throwback and playlist as usual.
Looking forward to football tonight!
Brooke, you'd make an excellent mother. I don't see you being bad at anything you set your mind to.
Starting hitting the gym hard again and feeling the burn. Nice.
Checking out Rameer's blog. I know Annamaria has one too. Not down with swinging.
This day needs to end and the weekend needs to get here. Now.
Hi Jay...
Yea I'm not down with the swinging swinging.. Picture taser lady seeing her husband having sex with someone else.. I'd lose it & kill someone..LMAO
Courtney I wasn't implying that the man be in the trunk.... He can be in the car somewhere.
Brooke...Hell to the no! I was trying to say that IF we had a third on the way, in my attempt to go for the boy, I would wind up with a third girl! For clarity, I am DONE (for now)! My wife is stuck on having a boy, while I am stuck on maintaining my mental health! I am thinking about having "the procedure" Two kids are a lot of work! Three at this stage, I would certainly go insane! I don't get any sleep as it is! Between the potty training and the diaper changing, The daddy pony rides and various other cool things to do with the kiddies...I am beat!
Not to mention the money! Whoa! I am buying stock in huggies for sure! Having to stock up on both stage 2/3 and stage 4 diapers at the same time is no joke! I LIVE IN BJ's, I am about to get me a job up in there! We have become a coupon family out of necessity! Plus Sydney is on powdered formula now! What?? 60 dollars every two weeks man! One supply for the daycare the other for home! And the 10% discount for a second child at the same daycare is a joke! 10% off of 400 per week is only 40 dollars man! 760 a week ladies and gents! THAT IS A MORTGAGE! Eff these Manhattan prices! Needless to say, I found a daycare in LI that both girls will be starting in January! 220 for Sydney and $180.00 for Brooke. I am getting a two for one deal here!
Then lil Brooke is growing like a doggone weed! Seems like every other week she is getting too big for her clothes! I am lucky because all of the clothes that she has outgrown will be passed down to Sydney. Brooke really needs some winter and fall clothes! So it looks like shopping is on the agenda for sure this weekend! Weather changed fast on a brother! I need all the prayers I can get for this new job! Been a week and haven't heard anything! Starting to worry!
$760 a week on daycare???
You just put me back on birth control.
That's INSANE!
Did I read that right? $760 A WEEK!? And you can afford that??
Do you mind if I ask what you do for a living, cuz clearly I'm in the wrong profession!
Motherhood suddenly doesn't look so great.
that's a mortgage on a NICE crib - my props go out to you brah, cuz I can't swing no where near that - and you talking about having ANOTHER one?? Nah son.
So sorry about your Grandmother, DMoe. Will pray for your strength and your family at this time.
Awww, thanks Cable Guy! I'm a free agent though :-) DMoe ain't checkin for me.
$760? That is CRAZY. I just heard last week that DC has the highest child care cost in the nation.
Guess I'll just get a dog.
I saw a Fiat on the road Monday. I may have to mentally cheat on that Mini Cooper I usually lust for.
Guess I should go to the gym before the President (and football) comes on.
Good night all!
Night Night!
I'm trying to find an excuse not to go to the gym tonight, but not finding one :(
Yes 760 a week! It is called dual income! Wife is a lawyer with (Citigroup. she is a part of the group that gets those ridiculous bonuses that President Obama refers to!) I am an administrator in academic clinical research (We don't get bonuses or overtime! BOOOO)
760 is too rich for my blood that is why we are heading to a daycare in LI that charges a manageable 400 per week for both kids! Wifey has the rest of the year covered at the day care in Manhattan, but after that, the price is just too damn much! My people told me about this daycare in BK that charges 150 for toddlers and 105 for newborns (could be the other way around) A brother may be headed to BK every morning to drop the kids off there if the place is kosher!
Ask me what $ 760 a week daycare gets me!
Attitude from my girls! Almost seems like they think they better than me! I am being serious too! I want them to actually start going to a place with kids that look like them! I don't need kids with identity issues! We don't have it like those other kids! We do OK, but mommy and daddy aren't anywhere close to being millionaires or corporate execs!
My mother retires in 2013, I will be able to put the kids in pre-school part-time and have my mother watch and pick up the girls after school! This should alleviate some costs until Brooke starts kindergarten!
Gotta go now and pick the little ones up now!
I'd rather just drop them off to the old lady who lives down the hall from me :)
nah...I wouldn't do that, I'd just get a pet like Yolanda said. Or have a baby by Diddy or 50 Cent. LOL!
I still can't see paying $760 a week in child care...can't do it. Hell, I think $400 a week is too damn much!
Or maybe I'm just a peasant :-)
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