Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Happy Hump Day!
I have a guest blogger today - our very own DMoe. Seems my Celebrity Crushes blog sparked a lil something inside of let's see what he has to say, shall we? :-)
DMoe's "All Get-It" Team!
So, last week's "Celebrity Crush" blog got my gears turning. Brookey gave out awards to some players on her team - and in keeping with this theme, I'd like to introduce all of you to some thoughts I had earlier this morning (and often). I know we don't talk sports much here on this blog (and this is not directly about sports), but you'll soon get the picture hopefully.
As I was watching the Today Show (as I do most mornings after Sportscenter), I had a thought about a woman being interviewed about recent criminal cases.
That classic thought enters a man's mind ever so often - "she can get it." Ladies, we discussed your thoughts related to this last week - but feel free to adjust a bit of your thinking from last week, and start "admitting" to some of the guys you might not otherwise admit to getting a little moist over. Fellas, same goes for you with certain chicks.
In the interest of fun and fairness, I'm submitting my entries for Dmoe's "All-Get it" Team. Now, here are some quick notes on the concept - if you're not familiar with this expression, it simply means you'd get with this woman if you got your "shot." Fellas, this unknown hottie's bad day could very well become your great moment. It's all about serendipity, but you gotta believe it can happen.
Moving on...Dmoe's "All Get-it" Team is comprised of women who normally might NOT get a second glance on certain levels, but you say to your somewhat surprised self, "I do believe….SHE can get it...."
Disclaimer: These are NOT your Stacey Dash's, Vida Guerra's, Halle Berry's - etc. That's another squad - That's "The Dream Team" if you will.
This team is for the dark horses. These are the obscure choices, where you have found yourself with a strange admiration for a chick that's kinda hidden from the mainstream of "who's hot" to everybody - and who's hot to you. I've included their positions on the team just to point out their roles on my squad.
FYI - Try to give the details for your starting 5, because of course, we might not otherwise know who/where they are.
Here's my starting lineup
PG - Elisha Cuthbert (24)
This one's not really a reach, cuz if you google this chick, its obvious to all that Jack's daughter from 24 and Old School can get it. Thoroughly, with a capital "THO."
SG - Mariska Hargitay (Law and Order: SVU)

Now I don't watch Law and Order:SVU regularly, but there's something about this red-head's subtle, cool-azz demeanor as she takes down NYC law-breakers. She's got the patented "where did you bury the girl's body?" look on her face every episode - and its sexy. From her pants suits to the way she steps into the squad car - Mariska can get it!
SF - Maya Rudolph (formerly of Saturday Night Live)

Most comedian chicks might end up turnin' you off at some point, but she's got a real city girl vibe that kinda does it for me...along with the freckles. Come to find out, this is Minnie "Lovin you" Riperton's daughter? Bonus !!! Plus, whenever she's in ANY of her various characters, I'm thinkin...(you know)
PF - Jeannine Pirro (Legal expert/Defense Attorney)

If you ever get a chance, catch the Today Show at around 7:30am. That's (almost exactly) the daily time where they dive into the criminal cases making the news - little missing Haleigh, the Amanda Knox case, Erin Andrews' stalker, and the "Craigslist Killer" to name a few. Jeannine is the resident "older/hot" defense lawyer who's ALWAYS looking "extremely milfy." She brings an awesome pair of legs, along with playoff experience to the team. Yes fellas, (say it with me) "She can get it."

C - Sara Ramirez (Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy) LOL. Again - this character rarely gets any real TV time on the show (from what I can casually tell) about her relationships with dudes, patients, her apartment, or anything else. I don't watch Grey's regularly, but when I do, I prefer Callie Torres. She's what you call, "the curvy chick," and I SOOOO dig that....even in scrubs - she can get it!
Reserves (2 players)
6th chick - Tanika Ray (Extra)
Bubblin' brown sugar celeb reporter who could EASILY start on someone else's "all-get it team." She might be worked in a trade deal for some high draft picks or other free agents, but for now, the entertainment show EXTRA gets some extra views when I'm looking for her appearances. This unknown hottie with the curly-top can get it!
7th chick - Monica Bellucci (The Matrix Reloaded)

The film trilogy that featured Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne spawned a new way of action movie-making. It also spawned some other thoughts as I sat in the dark theater when this Italian hottie came on screen….LOL. Her sleek, sexy, mysterious ways immediately got me. However, I had to slow the Jones down a lil bit when she played Mary Magdalen in Passion of the Christ. BUT - don’t think for a second I wasn't "disrobing" this biblical siren in my mind as I watched history's greatest story unfold. Forgive me Lord…but yes, I was STILL thinking…"she can get it!"
Ladies and gentlemen, this was just a thought I had for laughs. Feel free to give me some feedback on my squad and submit your own...."All-get it team!"
This blog is adjourned.
Dmoe (Head Coach)
I want to relish this moment and proudly say ………. FIRST BITCHES!!!!!!!!!
And 2nd too .... I will now read the blog. :-)
LMAO! That's mean a-tasin' TWO times.
*sitting back waiting for the Taser to walk in*
Monica Belluci is on the BENCH?? I don't know about that one son!
I'll have to give this some real thought. My list is gonna have more sista's on it though! LOL!
Be back!
I'm going to break out 2 tasers today!
I can't really think of a "Team" per se...I have to really think this one through.
But here's one - Andre 3000. I wouldn't NORMALLY be attracted to him, but sometimes...oddly enough, I AM! LOL!!
Rameer will like this list since it has snowflakes on it :) LOL!!
I got a 53-chick roster of sistas that built my franchise.
The exact point here was some chicks that normally wouldn't get the play.
Cable Guy - As for Monica Bellucci on my bench, thats just our team's philosophy. She has to play her way onto the court. lol.
Now, yet's talk "Kum ba yah" for the folks questioning my affirmative action here.
Pirro and Torres are Latino.
Ray is a sistah and Rudolph is Bi-racial (which makes her a sista too).
Hargitay and Cuthbert? Caucasian.
Rounding it all out is Bellucci and she's 'Italiano'.
That's "We are the World" if I've ever seen it. This team is International!
Get at me.
I know this might sound crazy, but Cedric the Entertainer is SO fine to me! Even with his big belly, he could get it!
Jeannine Pirro?
Jeannine Pirro?
Jeannine Pirro?
Jeannine Pirro?
*Yolanda's confused face*
(Co-sign on Andre 3000... bring yo turban, baby!)
Hey, to each his own. No caucasians on my list, LOL!!
As for my team, it would be Taraji Henson (Baby Boy Taraji, not Benjamin Button Taraji), Erika Alexander (Maxine Shaw from Living Single), Audrey McDonald (Broadway, Private Practice), Kimberly Elise (John Q, Set it Off), Jurnee Smollett sp? (The Great Debaters). None of these chicks are ugly, but I don't think they're obviously sexy.
As for backups, if we're gonna go latina - I'd say America Ferrer. Oh, and I like the ME from Law and Order too...with the curly hair, don't know her name.
Yeah, Jeannine Pirro had me stumped too, she reminds me of Judge Judy...and she's mean ;)
Here's another one - Benicio del Torro. Cleaned up, he might can get it :-)
DMoe - don't explain the racial makeup of your list, sun! That's YOUR LIST - ain't nobody got the right to tell you who or what to like! They ain't duckin' yo sick, so tell 'em to kick rocks if they don't like your selection!
(Ahem) Now on to my team...oh, and my team consists of what me and my boys call "Sleepers" - chicks that can get it that you don't typically hear people refer to as beautiful when a convo of those types come up...
1. N'BUSHE WRIGHT - ever since I first saw her in Zebrahead, I was spellbound. She was still cute in Fresh, even though they tried to make her look young and beat down, but by Dead Presidents - WHAT?!? I was full-bore in love! If I was an artist, and wanted a muse in order to paint the perfect picture of a Black woman - she would be IT.
2. DEBBIE MORGAN - one of the finest 50 year-olds in the business. She's been acting before I was born, so we've all literally grown up with her. We met her as Angie on "General Hospital" (a role she has reprised in recent years), and have enjoyed in films like Eve's Bayou, Love & Basketball, and Coach Carter (to name a few). She's been all over TV, with a great turn on "Charmed", but she's NEVER not been FINE AS ALL HELL to me!!! This woman is the personification of DOPENESS...women wish they could look this good at 30, let alone in their mid-50s!!!
3. SADE - I've always said - she has the most beautiful, soothing voice I've ever heard. And sure, she is a pretty woman, but *I* never hear anyone talking about Mrs. Adu like that!Beauty aside, she could look like Quasimodo - all she would have to do is walk in the room and sing, and I'd love her por vida. Yes - I'm in love with A VOICE.
4. AMERICA FERRERA - I've watched the real version of Ugly Betty on Univision years before they remade it for the U.S. THAT Ugly Betty (Betty La Fea) really *is* ugly. I remember seeing the promos before this show aired going "huh? I don't think she's ugly...looks like the took a pretty girl and tried to *make* her look ugly!" And when I looked her up, damn if I was right! This is a really attractive woman. What - they couldn't find any ugly people? They're EVERYWHERE! any event, I'm glad she got the job. She's a cutie, fa sho'...
5. JULIA STILES - there is just something about Julia Stiles I can't put my finger on. She's absolutely irresistible to me. A hot woman typically cannot make me watch a flick solely cuz she's in it...but damn if I ain't watched every girly movie that has ever come on TV with this woman in it! She's positively *deelish*!!!
6. MING NA - I've always liked pretty Asian women...and this one does it for me like no other. Ever see the film One Night Stand when she's riding Wesley Snipes, men? If you haven't...that military command sex coming from her will get your full attention...lolz!
7. FRAN DRESCHER - yup, "The Nanny"! No, I wasn't feeling her on that show. But in recent years, she's gotten thick in all the right places, toned down the annoying voice, and was one of THE first cougars in Hollywood - she won't mess with men over 35! She's delish...and if you've seen her in recent times at premieres, you'll agree...
8. RACHAEL TRUE - I first noticed in her the ALyssa Milano (!) B movie Embrace Of The Vampire and Half Baked, but most of y'all probably know her from the TV show "Half & Half" as the supposedly homely sister next to Essence Atkins. Homely my a$$ - I'd be knocking on the door for HER, not Essence's gassed up character!
9. ELISE NEAL - y'all might know her from "All Of Us" or the wife on "The Hughleys". She has the same effect on me as Julia Stiles...
10. MONICA CALHOUN - Morris Chestnut's wife-to-be in The Best Man. Man...she's *dreamy*...
11. RACHAEL RAY - shoot...her cute, perky, cooking up the kitchen a$$ coulda BEEN got it! Shout outs to Nigella Lawson's thick, English self, too...
12. PINK - why Pink? I never thought she was attractive when she first came out. I still don't think she has a beautiful face. But there's something about her attitude, and the fact that she probably literally can kick the average's dude's a$$ that draws me in. Plus, I'm a leg man - and she has some powerful, toned a$$ legs that she hates to show off in a sexy or girly fashion, but when she does - GOOD LAWD!!! Put heels and a good skirt on her, and she works it!!!
That's my "Sleepers/All-Get-It" Team! And yes - this blog was right up my alley. Don't ever get to listing no beautiful womens...the amount I can reference completely off the top of the dome is SCARY...but I can do that with a lot of things, honestly. I'm nerdy with remembering things like that...lolz!
Benicio can get it dirty... in a Che Guevara hat!
Clive Owen.
Paul Walker.
Maxwell. (duh)
Alonzo Mourning.
Idris Elba.
Lyor Cohen.
Anthony Mackie.
Benjamin Bratt.
Jimmy Smits.
Gabriel Aubry (halleburrrybabydaddy)
First of all, the picks on here are priceless.
The point is for people to really dig deep, and the fact that Andre "3 Stacks" has been mentioned makes the hilarious point. That's funny.
As for the Debbie Morgan nod, nice call. She's on my legends team also.
Cable Guy...Tarajhi Henson is like KG or Kobe on a squad. A true franchise player with a fat "contract"... Now, Maxine from Living Single? She was lookin like Mystikal (N.O rapper) on the show bruh...I wasn't a fan, but apparently, she had a following! I'm not hating, jus sayin...
Nice picks.
Julia Stiles??? Come on man! really???
y'all are killin me! LOL!! I said, to each his own. I'm curious to hear the women's lists.
Oh, and I spelled America Ferrera's name wrong - but yes, NOTHING ugly about her. Not mad at Debbie Morgan either. I was just watching Love & Basketball this weekend! Monica Calhoun was in that one too.
People think LisaRaye is fine, but her face looks like a monkey to me. She could be on the reserves list cuz of her body tho. And she's mad country too.
*dead...falling on the floor @ monkey face*
OH SHOOT... I forgot CLOONEY! My man George. Never was into Brad Pitt. Clooney does it for me.
Erika Alexander did NOT look like Mystikal! Stop it! And she damn sure isn't uglier than Judge Pirro! Come on now! LOL!!
Yolanda, your list is half and half - Maxwell, Clive Owen, idris Elba, Common, Ben Bratt and Gabriel Aubrey should NOT be on the "Dark Horse" list :-) LOL!
Lyor Cohen tho? Interesting!
I'm shocked no one mentioned my girl - Gina Torres!!! Yeah Boy .... she would get it raw dawg all day e'rryday. :-)
Gina Torres, good one!
Taraji always looks mad to me.
Still thinking of my list.
I got another couple of em' for ya'll...
Giada De Laurentiis???
Yes, she can...
She's good with me.
Nigella Lawson? Excellent choice. Broaden your horizons people. These two sexy kitchen chicks can both get it. (my humble opinion, but then again, that's the point people.
Hey Yolanda, I see you snuck Lyor Cohen in Don't be ashamed.
That's just my list. I don't have any dark horses :-(
If I like ya, I like ya! I scream it from the mountaintops. LOL
I'm a simple girl.
LYOR IS FINE! Always loved him. He looks like the kinda guy who might kiss you and playfully stab, I mean TASE you. (but not in a Chris Brown I'm a whup you in the Lambo kind of way)
Brooke, why is this list so hard for you, you can only think of OBVIOUSLY sexy men? :)
The reason I'm having a hard time with my list is because I normally play this game differently. To me, it's like Yolanda said, if I like you, I like you...there are no "dark horses." My friends can probably guess my type or who I'd like. The game is to be a bit harder than that.
For example, my friend Su and I play this game all the time - "can he get it?" And it'll be spontaneous. We'll be watching tv and it'll just hit us.
(watching Five Heartbeats)
Su: Brooke, could Robert Townsend get it?
Me: Uh...let me think on that.
Su: how about choir boy?
Me: Uh...maybe. Doubt it.
To us, it's more about if you can stomach it, not DEFINITELY give it to them.
I hear you mama :)
STILL trippin on Julia Stiles! yuk!
I hate to admit this (cuz that would mean Rameer and I are in agreement for once) but Julia Stiles would get it!!!
I mean she would really get it VERY VERY dirty!!!! There is something about her that makes her sexy.
Captain Cable - YOU trippin'! Julia Stiles is IT...and I know mad homies that would get it in with her just off Save The Last Dance Alone!
Giada De Laurentiis??
DMoe - lemme find out we not only have similar taste in music, but females as well... =)
Gina Torres?? EXCELLENT CALL! BOW CHICKA WOW WOW! I ain't mad at Larry Fishburne on that one...
Gotta admit - there was something about Maxine on "Living Single"...I was one of those dudes woulda got it IN with her chocolatey yummy self...
Here's where I lose bruhs in the barbershop all the time - I'm not feelin' Serena Williams OR Taraji P. Henson. The fact that Taraji has played an inordinate amount of weak Black female roles turns me off (yes, I know they're just roles, but she CHOSE them joints) and Serena - I can't front on the body, but I ain't feelin' the face. Plus, there's a famous pic of her lookin' like Wolverine screaming after winning...that ish scared me for like A WEEK...
I thought I'd get grief about PINK before anyone else I named. Pssst...don't look now, Helen Hunt is on the fifteen man roster for emergencies. What Women Want - that's all I'm sayin'...
I have to say, Julia Stiles stumped me too. Her teeth are AWEFUL! And she has no lips!
But hey, what can I say, I'm a teeth person, but if you like jacked up grills, then go for it!
Anonymous - would you PLEASE start identifying yourself? Too many people post as that, and I don't ever know which one I'm dealing with - The Bitchass One, the funny one, the hater one, etc. You don't have to put your real name - but hell, come up with an alias or somethin'!
I never know how to respond to the various Anonymous's not knowing who is who...
As far as Julia Stiles goes...she has a HUGE cult following...I would shag her ROTTEN!!!
Yolanda mentioned Clooney - all I know is homie's new girl is one of the finest Italiana's out there...
Stiles would get it dirty cuz she LOOKS dirty. She looks like she came out of somebody's trailer.
I don't know ANY dudes checkin for Julia Stiles, but like B said, if you like it, go for it! To each his own.
JULIA STILES has no lips??
What pics are YOU looking at? Google Image her RIGHT NOW!!!
She ain't got no Tina Thompsons...but she *does* have lips, Brooke-Ra!
NO LIPS!! I know EXACTLY what she looks like!
I agree with Brooke, she has no lips. She's pale. And it's hard to find a photo of her REALLY smiling because her teeth ARE messed up.
But hey, this list is for who YOU think looks good. I can see why she'd be on the dark horse list tho, cuz she's NOT cute. The only time she looked half way decent to me in Save the Last Dance was when they did her up to look "ethnic." And even then....whoa!
I love Yolanda's list, but like Brooke said, half of them are no-brainers! Good call on Anthony Mackie tho!
Hard crowd! I think she DOES have lips (those red things ain't lipstick, guys!) and y'all think she's not cute in The Bourne Trilogy, 10 Things I Hate About You, Down To You, and O??
Hey - we all got our tastes, I guess. I'm riding with Julia!
I can't even go at the girls lists, cuz I have no clue what guys are or aren't attractive unless they look like Biggie or somethin'.
I'm still trippin' that Julia is the one people are riffin' over and not Pink...
Okay, so I'm still thinking on my list - but in keeping in line with Yolanda, these dudes aren't "dark horses" - but they're not on top of the list...or they've fallen from it.
Hill Harper
Dennis Haysbert
Laz Alonzo
Isaiah Washington
Larenz Tate
Harry Lennix
Columbus Short
I think they're all adorable!
Truth be told, I think Pink looks a bit ethnic. She doesn't look like a straight up white girl to me. A white chick has to have something with her. I still consider Italian women to be white, but Monica Bellucci is pretty...cuz she doens't look like a typical white girl. But, in my opinion, Elisha Cuthbert does. They'd have to look different, like Angelina Jolie in order to get my attention, and I'm not even saying SHE'S all that. I guess it's hard for a white chick to catch my attention...brown skin is just where I'm at. My ONLY preference really. I can name some white girls that if I HAD to go there, I could...but I'd just be makin stuff up.
You know what, I kinda agree with that. I can name some cute white guys, but I wouldn't necessarily want them to touch me. I'd just admire them from afar. Give me a brotha ANYday!
But that's not what this list is about. My list:
Barack Obama
the African dude on Lost
Djimon Hounsou (sp?)
Damon Dash
Ice Cube
Dr. Dre
Cable Guy -
I actually agree on the "looking different" part. Cuthbert can easily be traded from my squad. I don't really think of the team in racial terms honestly.
Nobody's excluded from the concept of the thought popping in my head.
Here are some other chicks from old school TV that can get it:
-Sondra Huxtable from Cosby Show
-TC from Good Times
-Julie from the Love Boat
-Freddy from A Different World
-Blair from Facts of Life
Last but not least...Debbie Allen from Fame.
I can get with Sondra and Freddy, you lost me on the rest. Debbie Allen, definitely!
While we're at it, little grown up Rudy's ass can get it too! She's a cute brown beauty! Little grown up Ashley from Fresh Prince can too. Brown...just beautiful!
That's why I'm so smitten with Ms. Brookeybaby...have you seen her skin??? In a word...beautiful. ;)
I have to ponder this. I dont like any of these lists...
I am on a mission folks..
We should have a fantasy league...lo
uh oh, can't wait to see what Ant comes back with! LOL!
Cable Guy, why don't you tell us how you really feel? :)
So are you racist??? LOL!!
We should do an all jacked up team...
People we would fuck even if our lives depended on
@ Jaz
Far from it. It's hard for a white woman to catch my attention - not impossible - but hard. It's simply my preference. White skin does nothing for me. My eye just doesn't naturally turn to them. If other dudes like white chicks, good for them. I'm just not typically one of them.
And I don't think black people can be racist against white people, based on definition and the ability to oppress, but that's a blog for another day :) LOL!
Yes, Ant...that's more like how Su and I play the game. Not people we'd WILLINGLY give it up to, but some we'd say "I wouldn't f*ck him even with your p*ssy!"
(that's Su's favorite phrase, not mine!) LMAO!
Damon Dash?
If Jeannine Pirro didn't kill me first, I'm *officially dead now*
Hey, to each his/her own, I reckon.
I almost forgot about my boo Matt Lauer! Wakes me up every morning.
All Jacked Up Team:
Busta Rhymes
50 Cent
Jim Jones
Russell Crow
Kobe Bryant
I have more but I need to put this film together... back to work!
Cable guy -
We (black people) actually are as racist as anybody else, and past/current injustices notwithstanding. I've heard black people say some outright foolishness to white people.
Rule of thumb: Always try to gauge things in this way: If I was white, and I said (same statement XYZ) about black people, would I be labeled racist?
Probably so...But, just because we have in fact been oppressed, doesn't give us the right to say certain things though bruh.
Your right though, that is indeed another blog for another day.
The subject at-hand was just on knee-jerk thought about a chick you might see on TV or at a movie, etc.
The fellas here did an excellent job with women they see as honeys...The debate over who looks like what to whom was the entire point. What floats your boat may not excite me, but then again, hey, its your team. Make your case and let's chop it up.
And, if your knee does NOT in fact jerk due based on your predetermined factors, well...You expressed that.
Stay thirsty my friends.
PG - Venus Williams. She can bring up the ball any time of day on my team. May I just want to see her run the floor.
SG - Eve Mendes. I know she has skills. She will take the ball and...well you know...
SF - Aisha Tyler. Great footwork, better body! She can hit 3s all day.
PF - Angelina Jolie. She can clean up the class. Period.
C - Roselyn Sanchez. All legs! Will block shots all day. (I wish)
Jessica Alba
Rosario Dawson
Salma Hyek
Trust wont beat this team
We'll have to have that debate another day, because I believe black people can be PREJUDICED, not RACIST. Again, not the blog for today, so I won't take up Brooke's precious space to debate it with you. I didn't call any white people out there name, so not sure what that's all about, just said I'm not attracted to white chicks. Some seem to take offense to that, but so be it. Like I said, if y'all like white chicks, good for you. I'm not mad, just not my thing, and probably never will be.
I like Ant's idea better. The all jacked list! Yolanda's list was priceless :)
@Cable guy - I'm browsing my text for where I said you called somebody out of their name.
Can you refresh me on that one?
While I'm at it, here's another question:
When black people are "prejudiced" against white people, is it NOT racist?
I'm just trying to clarify those two points you made, because if I'm white, and I have two candidates to hire for a job, and i'm "prejudiced" against one of them, and hire the other one based on that prejudice, would I NOT be labeled a 'racist' for the decision?
Can you shed some light on those two points?
you said "just because we have in fact been oppressed, doesn't give us the right to say certain things though bruh."
I was responding to that...and all I said I was I didn't say anything out of turn. I didn't say you said ANYTHING.
Again, not the blog for today, but in everything I've read, the difference between being prejudiced and racist is RACISTS have the ability to oppress a race of people. Last I checked, we don't have that ability. White people do.
If you choose to disagree with that, then go ahead. We can take it offline and I can send you links to books I've read that state that and the real definition of racism. I think we use it the wrong way, so until you send me evidence that proves different, I'll go with what I've studied.
Actually, I read the same thing cable guy. In my African American studies classes, we were taught that black people couldn't truly be racist, only I have to agree there.
But like you said, not the blog for today.
Yolanda, Kobe is on your JACKED list???
Ant- your list is DISQUALIFIED!!!
The list is about people that aren't immediately thought of as fine (correct me if I'm wrong, DMoe), but who you have a thing for anyways. Which is how we show our tastes and differences. Your list - who in the blue hell wouldn't bang fire out of anyone on it?!? Like DMoe established - that's a DREAM TEAM. This is just "yeah...she could get it."
Salma Hayek is my #1!!! IF we were gonna go there, my list would've been completely different. Hell, YOU KNOW how much I love Salma, as much as I drop her name!
Fool had the nerve to throw in Roselyn, Rihanna and J. Alba...
This type of list is more like "She Ain't A Beauty Queen, But I'd Smash Bandicoot All Up In It Cuz There's Something About Her That Does It For Me".
Now type thee a new list, BRUH!
I know, I read Ant's list like "huh?" LOL!!
Ant, kudos to you as a General Manager. You have assembled quite a talented bunch, but that's an NBA team. Those chicks are all natural vote-getters for the Hall of "Get-it" Fame.
Let's travel all the way back to Stef's comment, where she plainly stated that Cedric the Entertainer could get it. LOL.
Then Brookey chimed in with Andre 3-Stacks. Throw in Cable Guy's pick of the chick from "The Great Debaters" and Rameer's craving for some of Rachael Ray...
I'm banging the gavel bruh, you are hereby held in contempt.
@Cable guy,
Hadn't skipped over your last comment. To you and Stef's last point re: Racist v. Prejudice, I won't disagree with the definitions and terms quoted in the books.
However, I will say that as a black man, in practical terms, I may - in some instances - have the position of authority to make decisions affecting the lives of people outside my race.
If I don't make those decisions based on their merits, instead making them based on my inherent level of prejudice, I my friend, am a racist.
Mostly because (per the definition) I'm in a 'position' to be so. If I got the upper hand, wasn't that the difference.
Also, I definitely agree wholeheartedly with your point about the term 'racist' being thrown around incorrectly these days sometimes.
Whatever dude, I don't agree, but hey, you can keep arguing it til the cows come home. Keeping ONE person down because of their race as opposed to a race as a whole? Not buying it. But you can believe what you want, I just choose to believe something else.
Ant, you need to re-do that list homie :)
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