Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Happy Random Thoughts Thursday!
And Happy Birthday to the very special, very adorable baby Sophia Michele who turns ONE YEAR OLD TODAY! Happy Birthday SoSo!
And Happy Birthday to the very special, very adorable baby Sophia Michele who turns ONE YEAR OLD TODAY! Happy Birthday SoSo!

- My nephews are here with me at work today along with my sister. It's Kid's Day at A&E and they're having a ball! It's great having them here with me at work. Kyce was just on tv, doing a game it!
- Okay, but why are there some parents here asking me where their children are? Um...where did you leave them? How the hell should I know?...I'm not the nanny!
- The guy who's doing the kids game show is crackin' me up! He's a natural!
- I know the balloons are for the kids, but I want one...or two. Purple.
- I hate when people try to get me to do their if I'm not busy enough. And sneaky about it too. I was ready to fly someone's head yesterday. And I'll be ready to fly it tomorrow.
- Seeing all these kids around me today makes me realize that I just might not be ready for any of my own. Kyce is 6, and I'm wondering if I could really see myself with a 6 year old right about now.
- But if he was as wonderful as Kyce and Ibrahim are, then I could see it :-) Yes...I'm biased :-)
- Shaq to Boston? Really?
- People who kill or harm babies should be locked up for life. No exceptions.
- Who cares if Montana Fishbourn is a porn star...she deserves to be famous for no reason too :)
- I know all of you have seen this on Facebook already, but I can't help but post it again. I can't stop laughing at this!
And Brian's Random Thoughts Thursday Throwback! This was the shiznit!
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Happy Birthday SoSo!
2nd HOES!
-Happy birthday Sophia. I know you're reading this :-)
-I'm "climbing in your windows...snatching your people up... hid ya kids, hide ya wife and hide ya husbands... run and tell that"
-I wish I was on vacation with Michelle Obama.
-Had all my perm cut off yesterday! I've got about 3 inches or so all around. Pardon the ashy lips:
-I can't wait for McNabb to play for my Redskins this season. I'm hoping to conveniently bump into him somewhere and shamelessly ask for tickets. I'd love to take my Dad to a game.
-Freelancing today. Got my own office. Perhaps I should work now. LOL
-Going to see Erykah Badu, Common 'n nem on Saturday. Can't wait.
-Working with a group of Master's Degree students... man, the stories I could tell. People please, don't raise entitled kids. An "F" is an "F" and no you don't deserve a gold star for just participating. Child please.
-I still need a full time job though.
-Le sigh. Life's a transition right now.
-Money tip: Sallie Mae has an online banking website. So far, it seems they offer a great interest rate on the savings account.
-Anybody planning on seeing "Takers"? Looks like it could be straight-to-DVD worthy but I wouldn't mind seeing all that fineness on a big screen.
More later... perhaps!
Am I a fool for buying a 3D television even though, because of my cast eye, I have been clinically diagnosed with the inability to see in 3D?
Shaq aka THE GREEN MONSTER, is a whore and he has been humbled! Retire dog!
Sophia is a beautiful child! Happy First Birthday!
I am interviewing for a position in my office and one of our candidates stated she is working on her MBA. I asked her where she was attending and she responded DeVry. I almost choked on my own saliva. Am I wrong for judging?
Life is moving too fast with slow results! I need Diddy to remix the theme music I call life!
Am I the only one in the room that doesn't condone the shooting in CT, but based on initial reports, seems to understand?
- Happy Birthday, Sophia!!! What a cutie!!!
- I seriously went the eff off on this woman at my job last night. Like, spaz the eff out, let every ounce of ghetto I subdue out into the air went OFF!!! My GM came running out like "Is everything okay?!?" People closed their office doors...I simply said "Today will NOT be the day any gives me attitude. It's handled...but I wouldn't fuck with me today."
No one has fucked with me since...
- Bill Cosby will be in my station tomorrow...I don't take pics with people willingly, but I might grab one with the Cos for my mother.
- Marsha Ambrosious "Hope She Cheats On You". Absolute DOPENESS...
- Why in the blue hell does this effin' producer just assume she can find clips on youtube and expect me to convert them for her?!? First off, it's her JOB to attain video clips the correct way, not just try to jack them off of youtube... me being the only person in the building who knows how to steal video off of youtube-like sites. Second - um, you need PERMISSION to use many types of video...she's skatign on REALLY THIN ICe and a potential lawsuit. Third - I REFUSE to grab video cuz this chick won't PRODUCE!!!
- Going to *another* wedding this weekend...
- I love my girl.
- But my girl is beginning to HATE that PS3 she bought me...
- I won't break it down - but people are VASTLY underestimating the Shaq signing. Go ahead and keep sleeping - the Celtics just gained the advantage the Lakers have had for the past 3 years. IF they stay healthy, NO ONE beats them in the East.
- 3D is wack to me. I refuse to indulge in any of it's foolishness...
- The only thing bad about my job - is *certain people*.
- I can't wait to see episode 2 of "Jersey Shore" season 2 tonight...
- a dude pissed on another dude's toothbrush on "the Real World" and put it back...and dude then used that toothbrush. He found out last night...his roommates didn't tell him at first.
I'd be on the national news for mass murder...
- Cherries - mm-mmm!
- The Wood was on BET last night - damn Malinda Williams is so f'n fly...
- People have been feeding my ego lately by worrying too much about what's going on in my personal business...I love it...
More After The Break.
Rameer, I had the same shit happen to me on Tuesday! People here think that just because I am an intelligent, even keeled black man that I will not get "ghetto" on a mother fucka at the blink of an eye! She made me go to a depth I haven't visited in years! I am a type B takes a lot to piss me off! I am a grown ass man with a family! I be dammed if a MF thinks that they can talk to me like a fuckin' child!
I said the same shit when my boss asked what happened "It's handled"
Agreed the C's are the team to beat in the east if they stay healthy! Is Sheed still on the team? I like them re-signing Nate Robinson too!
Happy Birthday Sophia!! What a beautiful baby! God Bless!
PS I agree 3D is wack, but I confess, I still bought one! Wish I had that money back! I will say that the games on PS3 are sick on it though!
Woooo hoooooooo!
I was up until 11:30pm at work with a crew of people working on a grant to extend my contract, give my staff salary increases and add on to what we do. It was tiring but exciting!
Two more people in Mom's old dance troupe connected with me. One said she remembers when I was born (ahhhh).
I feel Mommy placing people in my life and so far I love the results. I huge reunion. Love you Mommy.
How awesome would it be for her old troupe to reunite to do a show, a tribute or something...stay tuned.
Finalized a release date for my poetry book! It will be released on November 19th, 2010. The 9 month anniversary of Mommy passing. It will be a time to celebrate instead of mourning.
I'll launch a virtual book signing too. I think that would be pretty cool!
Yolanda I can't wait to see your hair! I'll see ya Sunday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SO-SO! She's a doll! Annamaria and Austin are blessed.
Saw a daycare group in strollers today and nearly cried. I love kids so much and want a couple.
Yes I said it...a couple of kids.
Now who is the man...Lord knows.
I'm about to leave work. 6.5 hours overtime deserves to head out and rest.
Brookey and NYC crew I'll be your way in a couple of weeks!
I think I need to head to the pool today and chill out.
Had a great compliment today when I shared resources with a case manager for her client. She said, "You're an amazing woman!"
WOW! I so needed that. If only she knew that she inspires me too.
Eating oatmeal in the middle of the afternoon (yummmmm)!
Rameer tell Bill Cosby SU fam said whats up!
Crain n'em is a mess!
Brooke I wanna be at your job and play games with kids. I need those parents to locate their child though!
More later...
Bill Cosby...hmmmm Temple alum! My man!
-And to think... Twitter tried to kill Bill Cosby this week. Twitter is de debbil.
-I smelled fried chicken today and wanted to drool. I kinda miss it.
We watched The Wood last night on BET too - haven't seen that movie in a minute! :)
No one is underestimating Shaq - trust me!
I need tickets to the game on Oct. 3rd when the Redskins play the Eagles and the first time Donovan will play against his former team at the Linc. That's gonna hurt my heart. I still can't believe he's not an Eagle anymore.
My sister is trying to pimp my cubicle :-)
I have two huge bunches of balloons in my it!
yes, I'm a kid :)
had pizza for lunch, and haven't had pizza in forever...was so good!
but I'll pay for it later :( Deebo wouldn't approve.
I think my nephews are awesome and insanely handsome!
I just want to leave work now - we shouldn't have to put in a full day on Kid's Day :)
I can't stand people who lie.
I'm bad with checking voicemails. I just look to see who called and call them back...I rarely listen to messages...don't know why.
Did I mention I had ice cream too? Not good.
@ Floyd - now WHY did you just say that about games on a 3D TV?? I literally started looking up 3D TVs after reading that...damn you!!!
And I don't know WHAT it is with people testing others at work! Like - I've been working here MAD LONG. It's not a surprise that I of all people will spaz out - I hate to make myself seem like I'm problematic, cuz I'm not...but most of the vets here KNOW not to remotely go down a certain path with me. In fact - I think I've said this before - they literally tell newer employees not to "do what he does" and not to "get him going". Cuz they KNOW I will spaz out if you mess with me!
I'm the same way - I won't mess with anyone or cause any trouble unless you start messin' with ME. One of my favorite phrases to say (since I work at a news station): "When you see those Black men on TV you stereotype and are scared of...just realize. I grew up in THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD, and still hang there. The only difference between them and me is I WORK with you fools..."
Serena, I still smile when I think that I got to see you after all this time in DC! I was so happy to see you!!
The lady who sits near me is annoying the holy FUDGE out of me today. I just don't want to hear her talking incessantly today!!! Ugh!!!
Gotta some editing to do. Be back soon...
I wish you were here to play with the kids too Serena! And yes, the parents finally found their kid. I think *some* folks automatically assume the black folks (ie: like their nannies)will "instinctively* look after their child.
I'm not the one. Sorry.
Sophia is a gorgeous baby :)
My sister is bothered that I don't have any pics up of HER around my desk, only kids. Um...spoiled much?
Takers is not a movie I'd be interested in seeing, but Idris Elba is in I may just have to do that.
I have screening passes to see Eat, Pray, Love Never read the book, and really have no desire to. Just going cuz it's free. And Monica wants to see it, so she's going with me.
Thanks for sharing that pic of your mom and her friend dancing Serena - your mother looked so beautiful and so free! Loved it.
I've never "gone off" per se on anyone at work, but I do have a smart mouth. I tend to say things sarcastically with a smile on my face and no one says anything - but they know not to mess with me.
Rameer, they salesman at BestBuy put Call of Duty on, and 25 minutes later I gave them all my money LMAO!
I dont have Madden for PS3 but I am hoping the new one that comes out this year looks bananas on it!
My wife is the same way...she can't stand when I turn it on! The world is dead to me afterwards! To see me playing it with the 3D glasses on just takes her frustration to a new level! I love it!
I don't get it. Men and video games. I don't get it.
1. THANK U ALL FOR THE BDAY WISHES FOR SOPHIA! She's very blessed. And yes I am reading them to her.
2. Brooke Sophia has on a purple dress today! I thought of u when I picked it out. :)
3. We took her to IHOP this morning. She should be a LOT bigger & fatter as much as she eats! Lol
4. I almost shanked the shit outta the people that live upstairs this morning! They decided to have a fight & wake me up @ 4:30 in the morning!!!!! WTF!!!
5. I can't believe my baby is 1 today! I can't stop kissing her.
6. She's very lucky & loved.
7. My boss is really sweet. She sent me an email @9am to wish Sophia a happy birthday & telling me to enjoy this time with her because it flies by. I thought that was really nice.
Brooke you're welcome! Maybe next week you can share that picture of Mom dancing tearing up the stage.
August 10th will make a year ago that Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian cancer.
Time was so different and a huge tranisition.
Still in and will be in transition for a while.
Rameer it was soooooooooooooo good seeing you too!
Yolanda it was too dag on long! I'm glad that SU BBQ went down!
No pool today, thundering anf lightening in the nations capital.
On my way home!
Where is Annamaria?
Cable Guy...
Need I go?
Women and Shoes????
Women and Handbags????
Need I go on??? Don't get it....never will! LOL
Can't we have something?? I find the games to be a great form of entertainment and also a great stress reliever!
- Everyday I wait for Brook's email or FB post that her blog is out. I got her email at 3:38pm...and I got 18 comments in front of me? come on son... lol
- I got one roommate moved in and he already planning a
- my phone interview never happened. I don't want to discuss (it was all them not me) But I was rescheduled for tomorrow
- Star Wars XXX starring SU's #1 porn star, Lexington Steele as Darth Vader. I say we screen it on campus during CBT!
- Happy Birthday Sophia
@ Ant - AS DARTH VADER?!? LMMFAO...I didn't know THAT!!!
- The video game industry brings in more than Hollywood. True story. And many games have similar budgets to Hollywood flicks...Starcraft II may have been close to $100 million...
- Floyd got not only ME going about 3D every man under 30 is in the office arguing about and pricing DVD TVs! Damn, bruh - you started it, I passed it on - the women are literally looking at us like "WTF?!?"
So much so, we JUST put up a shiny new HD plasma TV in our lobby, and now we're arguing whether we should take it back and get a 3D model...
- Unchartered 2 for PS3. ADDICTION...
- I want a Blizzard from Dairy Queen...
- I find that inexplicably many women don't know this - if you wear white pants or a white skirt, EVERY heterosexual man in your vicinity will check you out. It's subliminal law. I don't know if it's cuz you guys only where them in Spring and Summer, or what - but I will ALWAYS take a gander at a woman in white pants or a dress to see if she's attractive. And I find most men do the same...I had to explain this to my girl and her best friend who couldn't understand why they were getting so much attention from guys checking them out the other day.
Hell, I'd take a double look at PRECIOUS if she had on white pants...before then going to cleanse my eyes out...
- I don't think I commented, but I agree with Brooke-Ra's point earlier this week that people will say you do too much drinking, drugs, sex, etc. - but are hesitant to same someone eats too much...
- My mother is driving me NUTS how she coddles and spoils my nephew.
- I made sure this chick didn't get a job at station this week. THIS is why you don't burn bridges, people.
- I've got the George Michael "Faith" 5 o'clock shadow going right now. I need to shave.
- I ADORE my baby sis. She's calmed down lately with the "Rameerisms" my mother's approval. She really can be a little clone of me at times...
- I love the show "Pros vs. Joes". Don't judge me.
- I actually think the phrase "don't judge me" is stupid...I only think it's useful for comedic purposes...
- Everyone is suddenly yelling at my job...about 3D TVs...
Gonna go join the argument. Laterz!
that's interesting, because everytime I wear my fav white jeans, I get compliments from men. I just thought the jeans were nice :)
What's wrong with handbags and shoes? :-)
I can't screen anything with Lex Steele on it - too much.
nephews are getting restless.
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