Thursday, October 28, 2010

Random Thoughts Thursday!

Happy Random Thoughts Thursday!

- This is my 500th blog post! Yay!

- I dreamt of fish - who is it? :-)

- Sherri Sheppard is so goofy to me.

- I love seeing the leaves fall from the trees - so pretty!

- I love the Fall, but I also love the warm weather we've been having. I'm going to enjoy it, because I know the cold is on its way tomorrow. But why have people been wearing big coats, gloves and scarves when it's been in the 70's all week? I know it's late October and no one loves a nice cozy sweater and "butta leatha" more than me...but you shouldn't be wearing a wool skull cap when it's 76 degrees outside. I'm hot just looking at these people. Jus' sayin'.

- Um...there is no "a" in the word "definitely." I hate seeing that. I don't even know where people get that from.

- Hill Harper is so cute to me :-)

- I would love to hit the lotto...Mega Millions...Power Ball...either would be fine.

- Ever want to push someone down the subway steps when they're walking down them slowly and the train is coming? No? Just me?

- My sister heard the "Oh you fancy, huh?" song for the first time in her life yesterday. She was saying it all day, so funny. When I told her that song has been out FOREVER, she said, "Why didn't you tell me about this cute song?" How am I supposed to know what songs she's heard or not heard before? She's always in the car, so I assumed she listens to the radio a lot. Then I remembered that she's always with my two nephews who insist on watching the Karate Kid dvd (or some other animated movie) in the car over and over again. Is that what happens when you become a lose touch with the outside world? :-)

- My abs, legs and booty hurt from working out this week. All it takes is one week off to feel the pain again...ouch! I would tell you that my crotch hurts this week from spinning, but that would be over sharing :-)

- Brian's Throwback joint!




  1. Stef is going to lose her damn mind! lol

    It sure as hell ain't ME Brooke! :)

    Sophia got 3 needles this morning. She looked like she was about to tase her doctor. I think the worse thing in the world is hearing her cry so hard that it sounds like she's asking how I could let the mean man hurt her!!!!!!!

    My sister in law decided to use the Cholera outbreak CURRENTLY in HAITI be her reason (this week) for why she doesn't think she can come to the wedding in DR in JUNE!
    Just say you don't want to come.. Damn trust me I don't want you there anyways!

    Brooke I want to push people down the stairs, in front of the train & in the middle of the street....But that's just me.

    Fashion show a SUCCESS!!!!!!! Latina Magazine & Latin Trends were in attendance & gave very good feedback!!!!! Shows in MIA in Dec & ATL in Jan!!! :)

    I have a Networking Passion Party on Nov 6th...Such a great idea. Smart women in different businesses coming together & then buying some toys..Can't wait.

    My dad won $40 last night from the Pick 3 Lotto. He played my bday & won!! :)

  2. Happy 500th Blog Brooke. I remember when you first started this blog. I was hooked from day one. Even on the days I'm to busy to respond I look forward to all the wonderful insight from you and your dedicated followers.Keep up the good work. When are you going to start your novel?

    Halloween is 3 days away. I can't wait.

    My step -kids will be with us for the first time on Halloween.We are going to have a blast.

    My boyfriend just treated me to a new work wardrobe... Thanks PAPA, LOVE YOU.

    Once again, Face book is the shit. I've reconnected with 3 more people from the past who I missed dearly.

  3. 1) It’s the return of the “100 random thoughts” by liz. Yes, I started it this morning when I woke up and realized it was Thurs!
    2) I re-sized and uploaded images for Billy the Exterminator” I had goose bumps and was itching all over–hate roaches
    3) Got my nails done. Don’t like the color. Think I’ll change it
    4) Just listened to “Hey Lover by LL Cool J Damn that took me back
    5) Last Thursday I found out my 13-yr-old nephew is 6’1
    6) …damn I feel old
    7) …and SHORT!
    8) The man who is in the cube next to me has some serious anger issues. Maybe he should talk to someone
    9) I find the lava lamp on my desk soothing
    10) I need to make a China Town Run. I need a new bag
    11) My new coworker looks just like an ex-employee of AETN from the back. I had a flashback
    12) There is a woman who works here that looks just like the woman who killed Selena. SCARY!
    13 Bossip is my new drug of choice
    14) I didn”t leave my house AT ALL last weekend
    15) The gospel song “Silver and Gold” just came on. I forgot how much a song can move you when you least expect it
    16) I wore a cute hat on Monday. Brooke would have been proud (or would’ve tried to steal it)
    17) I love him but sometimes I get so frustrated with Leo and I really want to smack him upside his head
    18) I had a cab take me home Tues night…Mario at Communicar sounds like a Quiet Storm DJ. Why was I fantasizing about some radio dispatcher at 9:30?
    19) Maybe because it was 9:30 and the freaks come out at night
    20) Eh, he may be funny looking anyway.
    21) …and I have Leo (who I want to bash in his head right now)
    22) Found out I grind my teeth at night. I have been through 3 mouth guards in the past month
    23) Why is my energy bill so high this month? Con Ed has lost their mind
    24) Our UK office can kick rocks as far as I am concerned
    25) Cranberry tea is the business…’nuff said
    26) …I think I want some right now
    27) I heart Bill Hadar’s character Stefon on SNL. HIGHlarious. Go look at my FB page if you haven’t seen it already. There are 2 vids
    28) I cleaned my cube. I need to dust tho
    29) I’m over FB…barely log on anymore
    30) I heart my hair!
    31) Jawn Murray is an ass. I am not “nappy headed” and I do NOT “need to get a perm” smdh
    32) I really like this new hair cream I picked up last month
    33) My hair is so curly that when I pull one it’s more than twice as long. I love that about my hair!
    34) I’m allergic to stupidity.
    35) “There’s a Monster at the End of This Book” was my favorite book as a child–I read it so much that it eventually disintegrated
    36) I’m tired of the Jay-B pregnancy rumors
    37) Some people (women) on my floor thought I wasn’t approachable at first but realized how “cool” I am. Really? Maybe it’s because you have a preconceived notion of how “we” are supposed to act
    38) My coworker brought me chocolate back from her business trip to Beijing. They are shaped like little pandas and are almost too cute to eat…almost
    39) I just ate one. Not bad
    40) I didn’t like Kanye’s album cover either and if Walmart doesn’t want to sell it they shouldn’t be forced to. It’s a free country and they’re a private business and it’s their prerogative. The great thing about America is the first amendment–Kanye has freedom of speech (expression), and we have the right to peaceably assemble (protest)
    41) Can anyone name all 5 “freedoms” of the 1st amendment? Everyone knows freedom of speech and religion
    42) I can–WITHOUT looking at Wikipedia!
    43) I’m sleepy
    44) …and hungry
    45) What should I eat for lunch?
    46) I miss eating lunch with my girls Brooke, Monica, and Princess
    47) I had the pleasure of eating with Brooke the other day tho!
    48) I’m going to an event tonight; I’m in a drawing for an iPad so wish me luck
    49) I just started a baby pool yesterday; my coworker looks like she’s about to pop
    50) I use to be a Beyonce hater–I can admit that but the more time passes, the more I like her. I respect that she’s a sistah at the TOP of the game and had held that status for arguably almost 10 years. That says a lot

  4. 51) A friend of mine just broke up with their BF
    52) Diana moved to another floor. Who can I harass on 12 now?
    53) Where my Haitians at? Zouk-La-Se Sel Medikaman Nou Ni
    54) I’m not Haitian 
    55) I have no interest in seeing “Burlesque”. It looks like a cheap mash-up of Chicago and Showgirls
    56) OMG–did you hear about oral sex being linked to oral cancer? CUH-RAZY!
    57) Chewetel Edjofor is my husband in my head (and Leo knows it)
    58) Wendy Williams is my crazy auntie in my head
    59) I hate Rihanna’s hair…I have this nagging urge to call her “Raggedy Ri-ANN-a”
    60) Women who flick their hair annoy me. Put it up.
    61) I got my friend a job thru another friend and so far she’s doing a great job. I’m proud of her
    62) The desktop image on my MAC changes everyday. It’s a nice surprise
    63) Today the picture is of a patch of desert in Arizona…or New Mexico
    64) Something on my floor smells really good today
    65) I get to leave early today
    66) But I have a meeting at 2
    67) I have a little gnome figurine in one of the plant on my desk. He’s really a leprechaun but I choose to imagine him as a gnome since he’s hiding in the bushes
    68) Did anyone see the president on “The Daily Show” last night???
    69) I *heart* him
    70) People to talk loudly on speakerphone annoy me however, if it’s something quick, no problem but I don’t need to hear the whole convo about how your doctor is an asshole to your bff
    71) Keep your fingers crossed for me…something good may happen soon
    72) My boss’ boss sent us all an email telling us to make sure we watch HISTORY at work
    73) WTF is up with all this spam at work that contains potential viruses?
    74) I like Sudoku
    75) Why was I sweating so much on the way to work this morning?
    76) …and why was the subway sooo crowded?
    77) I like watching old episodes of “In Living Color” on Centric. I keep seeing J-lo in the front at the end but not the other fly girls
    78) Kerri-Ann Inaba (DWTS) was a fly girl too…she has made it known that she and Jennifer didn’t get along
    79) I haven’t watched the last 2 seasons of DWTS…I guess the novelty wore off
    80) I’m digging “Undercovers” on NBC but I’m scared it may get canceled
    81) They need to cancel “The Event”…Blair Underwood as President Elias Martinez? Really?
    82) Not to say there aren’t black Cubans (I grew up in Miami so I know for a FACT there are) but it’s Blair Underwood! I just can’t get into him
    83) He was in the “Liberian Girl” music video back in the 80’s
    84) Speaking of music videos, these video hoes now-a-days are out of control! The silicone injections everywhere, butt pads, and plastic surgery are out of hand. Is there no natural beauty anymore?
    85) I like Niki Minaj–I think she’s different and the voices crack me up. She’s definitely unique with a dash of crazy
    86) Yes, Kim Kardashian’s butt is fake – sorry fellas. I’m not hating but I have seen it up close and I have pictures
    87) I saw a clip of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” where she had Reggie on speaker telling her to “do you” after their break-up. No, I don’t watch the show, it was on a trashy gossip site. Part of me was taken aback when she “put him on blast” but the other part was like hey, he knew what she was about and KNEW she had a “Reality” show so whatev
    88) Jump offs don’t know how to play their positions
    89) Kat Stacks deserves everything that’s coming to her but I don’t believe anyone should put their hands on anyone
    90) Have you noticed everyone seems to be getting popped for drugs lately? Whatever happened to D.A.R.E and “Just Say No”?
    91) I saw a picture of a dog dressed up like Antoine Dodson
    92) He has a new app to help you find sexual offenders in your area. He’s an example of taking something that was awful, exploiting it, and making something good out of it
    93) That “Bed Intruder” song has been stuck in my head for 3 days
    94) Wow…95 already?
    95) Trident layers…mmmm
    96) I have no tattoos and have no desire for any
    97) I need a raise
    98) …or to win the lotto
    99) I think I’ll play tonight
    100) Time for a snack

  5. RTT! YEAH!!!

    I'm loving this weather too!

    I love "Oh you fancy, huh?"

    Rocked the Army 10 Miler. I could have done it in under 2 hours but experienced a lot of bottle necking during the race :(

    Great race day with friends as I ran along side of sorors and Team Murray! (Dwayne and Alison)

    Went on a boat ride (Odyssey) and it was gorgeous!

    An event at the Frederick Douglas House for my job (opera and stories being told from the front porch), 80 people honoring DC ladies who rock the community. (Priceless).

    A friend of mine came to visit on Sunday. We go back to cribs and diapers (yes there is a picture of us in the crib together) it was so great seeing her.

    Learning to be selfish again. I've been told that while you're grieving a person has every right to do for themselves and be selfish. Gotta heal and not put the heart out there so soon for it to get broken.

    The book is taking longer than expected *sigh* Brooke if you win the Mega Millions don't forget about me.

    I love my freaking office!

    My boss is great and so is the staff!

    Just had a can of Arizona (greatness).

    A Reverend last night said to me, "Your mother is so proud of you that she is up there bragging, she's probably chasing people away because she's bragging so much." LOL. In other words the Reverend said, "Your mother is shining so much on you, bask in her glory."


    B...I love your throw back.

    Confirmed dates for Africa trip #1 to see my girl Lia (now I need a plane ticket).

  6. Annamaria I'll take your sister in law's place in a heart beat! LOL!

  7. -Congrats on the 500th post!!!

    -It's not me...but I would like some fried fish.

    -I'm hungry.

    -I have to stop staring at men when they walk in the gym. It looks desperate but I do enjoy eyeing them for a quick sec.

    -My toof hurts.

    -My assignment ended Tuesday. I'm stir crazy already.

    -Gotta figure out what to do with my old 401K before the account is terminated. Le Sigh... adult decisions. LOL


    -I've been Googling sewing classes. I'm so serious. I got ideas son! A lot of them involve sequins.

    -The new Wegmans here has $5.99 sushi. I've hit them up three times. I used to think I could eat it every day. Now, I want a burrito.

    -Jon Stewart called the president "dude"... HA!

    -If someone wins the Mega Millions...can you send me on a vacay, please?

    -I suck. I have absolutely no weekend plans. Well, I am planning to get a Prince ticket, so that's major.

    -I need a movie date.

    -Woot woot! Grocery delivery tonight. Yessir.

    -Ok, this whole post was about food.

  8. EJ! What's up! Loving the 100 thoughts! I need the name of that hair cream you picked up last month.

    Brooke...congrats on the 500th post! You're my idol! got me hungry now!

  9. I can't take it anymore. I think I'll just give up on being first :(

    Not sure why that means so much to me :)

    What does it mean you dreamt of fish?

    I want to push folks down the subway steps all the time but it's usually an old person, so I can forgive them :)

    People can't wait to wear their falls clothes, even when it's 80 degrees outside.

    It took me 15 minutes to read EJ's random thoughts, but I loved them all!

  10. Fish dreams usually mean someone is pregnant.

  11. The monster at the End of This Book was my fav too Liz...and I was always afraid to get to the end! even though I had read it over and over again....crazy.

    Liz busted out the 100 random thoughts! I think I'll try that next week...maybe.

    Lunch with you was great, let's do it again soon.

    I have to eat by myself at my desk today cuz no one can eat with me :(

    I made a bangin' ass steak tho!

    I laugh every time I read "Ronnie" for "Ronald McDonald" on the Brew every time they refer to Rihanna :)

    I'm mad someone dressed their dog up like Antoine Dodson.

    I'm mad he's an household name now.

    How can I be famous...but in a non-buffoonery way? :)

    @Stef, when I dream of fish, someone is pregnant. I've never been someone might as well fess up!

    What is the big deal about Wegmans? It's a supermarket right?

    Serena and Team Murray rock! I'm gonna do a race one day.

    If I win the Mega Millions, I will send ALL of my regular commenters on a vacation and publish Serena's book. It's writing :)

    I have to start my novel, but no idea what to write about. I have some ideas, but they're not coming together. Many people have told me they want me to write Erotica, and build a story around "Brooklyn." I may just have to do that :)

    Time flies...500 posts??? that's insane! Thank you all for reading and supporting me all this time :)

  12. Wegmans is like the Cadillac of supermarkets. There's a full service restaurant inside.

    You never went to one in the Cuse, Brooke?

    It's a big deal that we have one in PG takes a LONG time to get good retail and service here (even though it's like the richest black county in the nation)-side eye!

  13. Thanks Brooke!!! Did you see our pic on Facebook!

    I'll hold you to the publishing deal lol. a Sex in the City book and publish your blogs with an intro to each one. Put maybe the first 100 or so or random ones. I think it would be awesome!

  14. I can't say that I've ever been to one in SU...or anywhere. Did they have Wegmans in Syracuse when I was there?

  15. Whassup ya'll...

    Here's where I am:

    - On my way back to FAMU tonight for Homecoming and I'm strapping up with the alumni drummers/band. I'm locked and loaded. I think I still got it. Old school? Child please.

    - San Francisco is a cool-azz town. Not quite Miami, but...

    - Cali trip is coming, December 3rd! Can't Wait! The rundown?
    Friday, Lakers game, UCLA/USC, Saturday, and Chargers/Raiders Sunday...We gettin it IN!

    - I want Zaxby's. Ya'll aint got that in the east yet.
    DMoe:(orders) "Chicken Finger plate 'buffaloed', extra toast, no slaw."
    Window chick: "That'll be $5.88, anything else?"
    DMoe: "Nah baby...That's it"
    (Window chick hands over the bag, deliciousness ensues)

    - Boardwalk Empire is a kick-ass show.

    - The Miami Heat won last night. 81-1 here they come! Smch. Go Lakers.

    - Playing ball these days, I got this new habit of callin' out the game's score in Spanish in the middle of the game to spice things up. LOL. "Ocho-Dos, suckas!"

    - Saints play the Steelers Sunday night. We need this bad.

    - TVOne's Unsung this week? Angela Winbush, and the Fat Boys last week. Both on my DVR. I'll catch em Sunday, once the smoke clears.

    - Saturday night, I'm DJ'ing the best Halloween party I've ever seen in the South. A house party where people go ALL OUT on the costumes. All I need is my tux, iPhone, and a fake pistol with a silencer on it. Who am I? Bond. James Bond. Wait...DJ James Bond.

    - I hope Conan kicks Jay and Dave's azz.

    - Ya'll wishing me luck is working! 3rd interview next week! Luv yall...Thanks!

    - Congrats to B's 500th Blog!

    Alright yall...Since B can't be forgotten 500 blogs later, This week's DMoe RTT playlist is brought to you by 10 artists we all forgot after just ONE hit.

    1. Johnny Kemp/Just got Paid
    2. Adina Howard/Freak like me
    3. Sybil/Don't Make me Over
    4. Skee-Lo/I Wish
    5. Yvette Michelle/I'm not Feelin U
    6. Rockwell/Somebody's Watching Me
    7. Tanya Blount/Through the Rain
    8. Strafe/Set it Off
    9. Sunshine Anderson/Heard it all Before
    10. RJ's Latest Arrival/Shackles

    For kicks and giggles, how bout these TWO-hit wonders:

    1. Queen Pen/Party ain't a Party
    2. Tracy Spencer/Tender Kisses
    3. Terence Trent D'Arby/Sign your name
    4. The System/Don't disturb this groove
    5. PSK/PSK What does it mean?

    I won't name names, but I saw one of the people on this list wearing Red and khaki recently. He told me "line 25 was open with no wait."

    Stay thirsty my friends.

    Your friend and mine,

  16. That sounds like a HOT time in Cali DMoe, great games!

    Arizona iced tea is bangin'!

    That throwback was hot! DMoe, your list is funny...where ARE they now?

    gotta admit it took me two seconds to figure out DMoe was talking about Target :)

    I think all these "Wives" shows on tv are outta control.

    Glad basketball is back. Now I have 2 sports I can watching with love.

    Brooke, your novel, no matter what it winds up being, will be GREAT!

    Congrats on the 500th post!

  17. Damn, DMoe pulled those folks out the hat!

    I wish I was going to a Halloween party this weekend :( But I wouldn't know what to go as.

    Have fun this weekend DMoe!

    @Serena, no...what pic? I'm almost afraid to ask :)

    @Jay, I just watched Football Wives at lunch...was in my dvr at work. Um...yeah...I won't be watching anymore. Just stupid.

    And people still wear colored contact lenses? Really?

    Like Liz said, what's wrong with natural beauty?

    Doing Tru Dog's class tonight! Oww!

    and his ab class...skerred!

    Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to eating at Thanksgiving?

    Don't Disturb This Groove was the joint!

  18. Don't Disturb This Group just played on my iTunes. Cosmic!

    Unsung is on a roll! Next week: Miki Howard!

  19. *Groove

    LOL. Typo.

    Oh, Brooke...not sure about Wegmans. I was gonna say "pre-1996," "when you were there" or "back then," but either way sounds bad. LOL I fold.

  20. All y'all SU young'ns on the blog :)

    You should have said, pre-1996, you know...when SU was the HOTNESS!" LOL!

    SU was POPPIN in the early 90's!

  21. I was poppin' in the early 90s an 8th grader. Hee hee.

    I've seen the pics and heard the stories though. It sounds like a good time, pre-1996. Although 1996 wasn't bad. I'd do it over again.

  22. I took a pic of the Murray's after the race and of me and the sorors and we look fabulous!

    Queen Pen/Party ain't a Party was this ish!!!!

    I'm about to go back to CVS and get some more Arizona

    And take a walk, it's gorgeous out.

  23. I know, I've been stuck inside all day and it's bothering me. People at work have been working my nerves.

  24. Hey Jay I bought more Arizona! Hmmm hmmmm good!

    Brooke its gorgeous out. Try and get a walk in later!

  25. hey everyone!

    I'm late, but better late than never - although never late is better :)

    Not a Drake fan, but I know some of his songs.

    Nicki Minaj is growing on me, but not as an artist...more of a cartoon character.

    Can't go wrong with De La. B's throwbacks are on point.

    DMoe, list was dead on too. We need to send out an APB on those clowns.

    What interviews are you going on? What do you do anyway? I know Brooke, Yolanda and Rameer are in tv, and everyone knows what I do obviously, but what does everyone else do on the blog?

    Oh wait, Annamaria is a fiancee, mother, sex toy seller and fashion person. Serena works in non-profit and is a poet. Ant works at Syracuse University I think.

    I guess I DO know what everyone else does.

    Oh, and Stef is a professional hater. Ha!

    Haven't really gotten into basketball yet, still in football mode.

    Eagles have a bye week I think Brooke, so maybe they can get that QB situation cleared up.

    Are you posting Dominatrick's blog this Tuesday Brooke? I want to read it, we can go back to Fury for December, or simply read his blog. You must really be afraid of her blog since you didn't post it yet!

    I'm not pregnant, no fish for me.

    Does that only work for women?

    SU family is deep on this blog.

    Brooke, can I come to your house for Thanksgiving? Can you cook?

    Considering what I do for a living, I never watch tv.

    Unless it's football.

    It's gonna get chilly soon, I need a steady woman in my life.

    B? :-)

  26. @Serena, at this rate, I'll only get to feel it when I go out to the guess I'll take that.

  27. Ah Brookey it's all good.

    What's up Cable Guy!!!!

    Oh and Brooke whenever you run your first race I'll be there cheering!!!!

  28. Some of the original cast of the Sound of Music was on Oprah, and a coworker was surprised I knew about it...WTF? Who hasn't at least HEARD of The Sound of Music? That's like asking me if I know anything about The Wizard of Oz. I get the feeling she thinks I should only know about The Whiz.

    These people...I swear.

  29. Brooke I think you need to get Annamaria to tase that co-worker! What a punk!

  30. Rameer The CircumstanceOctober 28, 2010 at 5:12 PM

    Congrats on your 500th post, Brooke-Ra.

    - Yesterday was my mother's birthday. I took her, my Dad and my sister out to dinner at this authentic Southern Smokehouse an hour away I've discovered - she LOVED IT. Food was dope, owner gave us a free birthday cake (REAL chocolate cake, and there's a HUGE difference if you don't know), and everyone was stuffed and happy. Then we came home and toasted to her birthday - my sis bought a real fancy cake and champagne for my mother. It was a GREAT birthday...and she loved the gifts we gave her. I made sure I took off the entire day.

    - I currently hate my job. Can't go into details...but I DO. And that sucks. It's become a HUGE choir just to walk in the building. And it went from good to bad in one day's time.

    I hope you guys have a better remainder of your day and night than I've had of this day and every day (except yesterday) this work-week. Catch y'all next week.

  31. I need Annamaria to tase Yolanda for posting that pic of the one legged stripper on The Brew. What the hell man...

    I love Barack Obama!

    I can't believe that Sarah Palin is an actual "potential" candidate for ANY office in 2012. I mean, come on...really? How can that be?

    Sorry to hear that Rameer, nothing sucks more than hating your job. I've been there. I hope it turns around for you soon.

  32. A one-legged stripper?? Stop playin'. Is she cute? LOL!

  33. @Brooke,

    I love Barack Obama too! I think men underestimate how SEXY a man's mind/brain can be. Intelligence is "swag" too!
