Monday, October 18, 2010

Are Women Comfortable With Porn?

Happy Monday!

Two things I want to discuss let's see how this goes.

Last Friday I posted the clip "Marriage Negotiations" and said that until there is one made from the woman's perspective, we can discuss how unrealistic women's "lists" can be when it comes to finding a man. we have the clip, from the WOMAN'S perspective. Take a look:

I think we all agreed that both men AND women can be this extreme, so I just thought it would be funny to post a clip that shows what some of us women encounter in the dating world...especially here in the NYC. This is all meant for jokes, but there ARE people out there like I'd love to hear any women's stories of men they've met like this.

The second thing I want to discuss is something I TOTALLY stole from Witches Brew today. It's a magazine cover featuring Melyssa Ford (stop drooling already) - but what I am really interested in is this quote from her interview in King. She said:

What I found was that it [porn] improved my technique. Porn made me less inhibited in the bedroom and more open to try new things. Women should get comfortable watching porn and not take offense to it. If your man is leaving your bedroom to go watch porn, you have an issue.

I guess she assumes most women are uncomfortable watching porn. This made me wonder, because I don't know any women who have expressed being uncomfortable with it, and I know some women who openly admit to having a pretty impressive collection of porn. But I'm curious to know from you...

Women: Are you uncomfortable watching porn (whether with your man or alone), or do you have it sitting in your dvd player as we speak?

Men: Do you find that most women you know are uncomfortable watching porn - either with you or alone - or do you think most women are open to experimenting/learning from it?

let's hear it!




  1. And then he didn't even leave a comment!!!

    Well, as for the clip - I meet men like this all the time here. It's like they want you to chase THEM and fight for their affection. I know he was extreme, but last week the men acted like women are the only ones with lists, etc. I hear men like this all the time, it's not I'm glad there's a women's perpective out there,

    As for porn, I'm comfortable watching it alone, but haven't yet watched with a man. I don't have a collection or anything, but I've been known to "accidentally" find it online :) LOL!

  2. I'm just waiting for Fury to chime in. That is all.


  3. That clip was just as funny as the first one, and yes, I know some dudes like that. Bitchass ones.

    As for women and porn, I think women are uncomfortable ADMITTING that they watch it, not the actual act of doing it. I've only watched porn with one woman in my life, and she was very adventurous sexually, uninhibited, but I wouldn't call her a freak. I think women associate porn with freakiness, but it's simply a means to arousal for most people. I'd hope more women are comfortable with it than they admit.

  4. Women love porn...

    Nothing better than watching PORN and hitting it from the BACK...We both get a good view of the TV...

  5. I'm 100% with CRAIG on that one! The women I know LOVE porn, can't get enough of it! If a woman says she's not into porn, she's either lying, or hasn't watched any GOOD porn.

  6. I have no problem with porn, who said women are uncomfortable with porn??? LOL!

  7. @Jaz,

    That's what I was thinking...who ever said women were uncomfortable with it? That's why I asked the question - because by Melyssa Ford's comment, you'd think she was saying that women are uncomfortable with porn...and that they need to get with the program - like HER. Where did she draw that conclusion from?

  8. Listen to the CABLE GUY!!!! If ANYONE knows what women are watching it's THE CABLE GUY!!!!

  9. LMAO @Craig!

    Yep! They want ALL the sex channels!

  10. Ahem! This seems to be a topic just for *test vocals* ME ME MEEEEEEE!


    I'm happy Melyssa Ford brought this up and is getting some press on this. Porn is STILL a dirty secret. Even after Oprah Winfrey talked about it on her show.

    Usually when women don't like porn it's because they've seen the heinous porn. Horribly shot, unattractive men and women fucking on screen is bad anyway you shape it. Most women I know enjoy sexy porn. Whatever that sexy is to them. It usually begins with attractive people and broadens to more than just a close up shot of sex organs pummeling each other.

    While I agree with Melyssa Ford that women can learn things from porn it's come to the point where we HAVE TO. Porn has heightened everyone's sense of what CAN be done for both genders.

    If I'm f#cking like a porn star, sweetheart you'd need to bring your A game too

  11. LOL @ The Cable Guy...

    Yo Cable, Does Brooke have any porn stations?

  12. But what is "f*cking like a porn star"? I've seen a few and it does nothing for me. Maybe like Cable Guy said, I must not be watching GOOD porn, cuz it just looks like sex on camera to me. Once you've seen one big dick, you've seen them all right? I don't get it.

  13. @Fury,

    I didn't install Brooke's cable, I came to fix her internet connection - her cable had already been installed, so I don't know. But Brooke can always invite me back so I can check. And if she doesn't have them, I'd be more than happy to hook her up :) LOL!

  14. @Brooke,

    Melyssa Ford is selling sex, which is all she has to offer. So making herself seem like the ONLY woman who watches porn is her game. She's playing into men's fantasies and men eat that shit up. Melyssa Ford is NOT the only woman who watches or enjoys porn, she just wants to make it seem like that sets her apart from all the rest of us women out here. She's full of shit.

  15. Well said Ms. Penn...So, um...what kinda porn do you like?

  16. I read the article and to me it didn't seem like she was acting like the only one, she was just suggesting to the women that don't, that they should. Believe me, I know women that don't watch it..they're generally the ones I think can't f#ck, but I digress.

    @Courtney - Yeah maybe you've seen bad/wack porn. Porn is all about the fantasy and the wild. That's fucking like a porn star. Whatever is the next that shit. Like when Neo bent backwards and dodged the bullets? Do that shit! LOL

  17. Well then it seems like porn is not for regular folks who can't bend backwards. If men and women are watching porn thinking they can do that stuff, then I can do without it because it's unrealistic.

    and why is Melyssa Ford famous again?

  18. @Craig,

    I like group sex porn :)

    I can't believe I just admitted that on Brooke's blog :) Is it TMI Tuesday yet?

  19. @ Courtney....REGULAR FOLKS??? Who you think those people are fucking on CAMERA???? You make porn seem like its FAR FETCHED....when I look at professional basketball...I say to myself...DAMN, I can't do a 360 dunk...When I look at Professional Football...I say damn, I can't throw an 65 yard pass....BUT YOU BETTA' FUCKING BELIEVE!!! When I watch PORN...I INCORPORATE that shit into my ARSENAL...And so can you!!!

    @ Ms. Penn...Group sex huh? So, what if we were in a room and I bopped you on the head and saw three of me...Can we all get it on??

  20. @Ms Penn - Thank you for letting your freak flag fly. Have you ever seen any of the Brazilian group party scenes. I've been aghast!

    @Courtney - Yeah I agree with Craig. The bedroom is definitely a place the playing field can be very level...and yes a woman really did do the Matrix ON ME. Is some of it unrealistic? yes, but the point is to spice things up.

  21. If a dude is watching porn and thinking I can suck him off while doing a handstand, then it's not gonna work! LOL!

    And yes, I saw one where the girl did that...I was floored!

    @Ms. Penn,

    Do you participate in group sex?

  22. @Fury,

    I can't stay that I've seen any Brazilian sex parties, but I'd be willing to take a look :)

    @Craig & Courtney,

    I don't actually ENGAGE in group sex, I just like to watch it. It turns me on, but I have no desire to actually do it.

  23. Courtney, I think you're too hard yourself. There is HONOR in TRYING...

  24. @Ms Penn - I'll see if I have one particular scene in my vault and forward a link to you and all that are interested. Ever been to a sex club to watch?

    @Courtney - I agree with Craig. Don't underestimate the way, did you like the way she looked giving a blow job in a handstand? ;-)

  25. NO! It looked uncomfortable and ridiculous! LOL!

    Sex should be fun, and COMFORTABLE. If I gotta be in Iron Man shape just to get you off, then it's not going down! LOL!

    I think my man is pleased with what I do, so we're all good :)

  26. What about pleasing the other person Courtney??!! Your man might love it if you tried to suck him off while in a handstand position! I know I'd enjoy that :) LMAO!

  27. I'm not saying you have to be acrobatic. I'm just saying you can learn things from the porn stars. I mean..I can't because I know it all, but you know...LOL JUST KIDDING!

    By the way, have any of you ever met a porn star? I've met 3. All very regular people, which was hilarious.

  28. Well, I only know one...but he wasn't a porn star back then :)

  29. @Stef- I was just getting the ball rollin' I was gonna be right back *in Jay-Z voice* LOL

    I think that Melyssa was just saying that because that's gonna be her next career move. Just sayin'.

    But she's right though. Watching porn can help with the technique, stroke, or whatever you wanna call it. If you think it's gross or whatever, think of it as a video tutorial like

  30. @Brian,

    you can't show up at 5p and leaving a comment! LOL!

    And those things hardly look like tutorials! LOL!

    If anything, MEN need to watch porn to learn what they're doing, not women!

  31. @Stef,

    I meant to comment earlier but it seemed like y'all didn't need me. The convo was good. Didn't want to intterupt. LOL

  32. @Cable Guy,

    I should be able to please him without breaking my neck! LOL!

    I just think porn gives people an unrealistic view of sex, that's all. It does nothing for me.

  33. @Brian,

    You can't be first and then disappear! Dats against the rules!

    You barely comment as it is. You too good for us or something? You can only give us your RTT throwbacks and that's it???

  34. And he didn't even say the right word! It's first BITCHES, not "SNITCHES" LOL!

  35. So Brooke, are you admitting that you like porn?

  36. @Stef - Men can learn too. women can learn..oh trust me women can learn. And I've known some that have...hehehehe

    @Courtney - Some of it is VERY unrealistic. I'm not holding some chick upside down while she gives me a blow job. That's madness. If for no other reason when/if I get off, My muscles will fail and she's doing a header a la The Undertaker tombstone.

    *makes slice throat sign with finger, eyes roll back in head*

  37. @Stef,

    No I don't think I'm to good to comment. Just a lurker. I'll think about commenting more if you ask me to.

  38. @Brian,

    Are you flirting with me? I don't want Brooke getting mad at me since you took her to the zoo :)

  39. @Brian,

    Yes, please take the hater, I mean...Stef off our hands and flirt with her...that way you won't be taking my baby to the zoo anymore. LOL!

  40. @Fury,

    It just seems dangerous :) Not for me!

  41. @Courtney - I feel you well the acrobatics can stay elsewhere, we...I mean you can always do some other tricks. hehehe

  42. @Jay...I agree women always want to seem pure like they don't do "nasty" stuff like watch porn and god forbid "speak into my microphone". But a woman who isn't ashamed to admit she does either...gets serious love from me.

    @Cable @ she is lying or hasn't watched any good porn. And you forgot Oxygen...Lifetime, Oxygen and Porn.
