Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TMI Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!

Okay, so last week we talked about having TMI Tuesdays. I Googled it just to see if another site out there had TMI Tuesdays, and guess what? There's ANOTHER blogsite with that name already! How crazy is that?! But we can still try it if you all want to. I'm a little afraid of doing this actually, based on some of the things you all were talking about in last Thursday and Friday's comments. I guess I have Amanda, Craig and "anonymous" to thank for that :-) But it was definitely interesting!

So, true to my word, I figured we could see how this will work out. I think I will do TMI Tuesday once a month, the first Tuesday of each month. We already have the insanity of Random Thoughts Thursday, so one day a month devoted to all things "TMI" is more than enough. If you need me to break it down for you, "TMI" stands for "too much information." So basically, it's "over-sharing" disturbing, gross, awkward, "you could have kept that to yo'self" information that none of us needs to really know - but you-felt-compelled-to-share- anyway type stuff.

I feel like I should set up some rules, even though I'm not sure exactly what those rules are yet. Last week, a few people emailed or IM'd me personally saying that they thought Random Thoughts Thursday got a bit out of hand and turned them off, so I guess my only request would be that we keep it tactful - nothing too vulgar or graphic. I know, I know...you may be thinking that defeats the purpose; but I think we can share things about ourselves that may be TMI, embarrassing or odd without outright offending anyone. Deal? okay....

When I tried to think of a funny clip for TMI Tuesday, this one came to mind:

Yeah...I don't think I would have told that either ;-)

Truth be told, it was hard for me to come up with something that I thought was TMI to share. I mean, I have to start us off right? What would I share that would be deemed too much information? Random thoughts are one thing, but I couldn't think of anything that I wouldn't want you all to know and would be embarrassed to tell - that wouldn't be too risque anyway. So, rather than trying to think of some arbitrary anecdote, I figured I would ask a few questions instead that people can choose from to answer. Feel free to add your own TMI tidbits :-) Here we go:

1. Where is the most unusual place you've had sex?
2. Have your parents ever walked in on you having sex? or you walked in on them?
3. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever been caught doing?

I'll start off with something tame.

One of the most embarrassing things I ever got caught doing was "dressing up" like I was older than I really was to attract a grown ass man. I was 16, but wore "sexy" clothes to make myself appear older so that this 25 year old would want to talk to me. He fell for it, unless he really just didn't care. Anyway, he invited me to his place for a cook-out. I flirted with him relentlessly in my tight clothes while everyone was having fun at the barbecue; but as people started leaving, I was feeling less and less "grown." Finally it was just us. He started to make a move and I froze. While he was trying to figure out how to get me out of my clothes, out of nowhere, I asked him if I could use his phone to call my mom. He looked at me like, "huh?" I then proceeded to ask her if she could come get me. Still, he was like "huh?" He finally asked me how old I was, and when I said 16, he took me outside to wait with me for my mom to come get me. I sat on the steps like the little kid that I was, and he looked sick. My mom showed up and read me the riot act, and he never talked to me again after that. Just stupid :-)

Okay, that was easy. We'll see what else I come up with based on your comments. Let's start out slow people :-)



  1. Well since i'm up... First b!tches! Hee Hee.

    Anyway Brooke...that was not that TMI..but yeah last weeks Random Thoughts joint was off da chain.

    Here is my TMI thing for this week. I prefer to do #2 butt ass naked and in complete solitude. Like fa'real.. i don't want anyone to be around...no sounds. Just me and the toilet. I actually have a few crazy bathroom tendencies. Like I definitely doon't want anyone hearing my bathroom functions..so I turn on the faucet to drwon out the sound. I also would prefer to take a shower right after a good #2... that's the only way to be sure. I feel so vulnerable when I'm sitting on the toilet. If I'm in a building where I'm working on the 2nd floor... I will go to the 6th floor to use the bathroom..so know one will recognize my shoes and pants under the stall. Everyonce in a while I come up with an impressive shyt and feel obliged to look to see if it was really as impressive as it felt!

    Dammit... I know that was TMI! Next month... I will tell you my weird crushes I have.

  2. Well, I wasn't too sure I was going to do this, but I thought of a funny story that might be TMI.

    3 years ago I had a News Years Party over at my house. There was plenty of drink and fun had by all. After the party was done which was about 5am. My cousin and are the only ones left standing.
    People went home...my wife is like passed out.

    My cousin comes up with bright idea, because everything is bright idea when you are f*cked up, the we should race. We should do outside and race past the Lemoyne Campus and back. Ok...sounds good.
    But lets streak...

    So...needs less to say I lost. On a very brisk January Morning...lol

  3. well....alrighty then... :-)

    B - my nephew is like that, but only from the waist down. He takes off everything from the waist down to do a #2, even his socks. Then he would yell, "Auntie, come wipe my butt!" If no one comes fast enough, he'll do it himself - but he'll use half the damn roll of toilet paper and then clog up the toilet. But at least he cleaned up well :-)

    Not sure I need to picture Ant running butt ass naked down the street :-)

  4. Pretty Ricky you ain't gonna be soo pretty when I tase you for being first!

    OK I'm home sick today so I have the mother of all headaches thanks to my runny nose (HOW MUCH MUCUS CAN ONE PERSON HAVE??? TMI) and the fact that I keep coughing. AND I can't take any medicine. GEE THIS IS FUN!

    TMI: when I do # 2 I am like Pretty over here. I need to put the tv on because I swear someone can hear it. Also I can't do it anywhere except for my house or my mother's house.

    TMI: I never walked in on my parents & THANK god they never walked in on me BUT my mother LOVES leaving me messages on my answering machine when I don't answer the phone. The last one went like this: ARE YOU GUYS F*CKING???? OK CALL ME WHEN YOU ARE DONE???


  5. ha-ha!!

    well, here is TMI; my feet stink; i mean REALLY stink. If I don't use my powder, run for the hills when my shoes come off. Once I found a dead insect inside of my shoe...

  6. Stink feet...THAT's TMI...But not a TMI like "okay, here's what happened this ONE time..ha ha ha..sooo embarrassing!"...Stink Feet is like...Well, that's ATT...All the time...;-/

  7. LMAO!!!!! Liz, you are FUNNY!

    Annamaria, your mom is crazy!!! I would die if my mother left a message like that! Well, now you can't tell her no, with your knocked up behind! LOL!!

  8. I once posted a C.S. on Craig’s List. It was my birthday, I was drunk and I got a digital camera as a gift...

  9. ok..i posted yesterdy's comspiracy theroy..I forgot & went on abt my business.. anyway, today's topic.. TMI..NOt really sure I have any, Im a very private person, although Im outgoing/social, talker, etc....so no TMI from me, but I do have a funny ciscumstance of a freind 7 this kinda relates to yesterday's comments abt skin color. a friend of mine who is very dark-skinned...( in college they called her complex, b/c peopel said she had a complex abt light & dark skin--this was before I arrived on campus..she's a few years older than me) ..anyway, she puts MAKEUP on her TOES!!!!..I a mSRIOUS..I NEVER HEARD Of SUCH A thing, we were going out in summer time, years ago, & before we get out the car, she reaches down to her sandals Im like what you doing? & she's like Girl, I gotta put some foundation on my toes to even them out!!..Im like What the!!..she is very 'into herself' & self absorbed, so I just chucked it up as one of her "moments" , but aftewards, Im like maybe that's one of her 'complex' issues....ok,im back to work....

  10. I was referring to Craig and the C.S. lol

  11. What is a C.S. Craig?

    make-up on toes? oookayy....

    Although I do make sure I put sunscreen on my feet so that I don't get that "v" tanline from my flipflops :-)

  12. I woke up one night as I was sleeping in the living room on the pull out couch because I heard some funny noises. When I sat up I could see down the hallway to my parents bedroom. Unfortunately they left a crack in the door and I could see the crack of my dad's ass going up and down... up and down. OMG! I so did not need to see that lol.

  13. Brooke, ask the cable guy what's a C.S.?

  14. I had some good ones for this but since you got complaints from Random Thursdays(really???) I will have to get into PG mode.

    I'll be back...

  15. i wanna know what CS is too!

    here is another one...when i fart, i gotta smell it; i need to know if its a funky one or not!

  16. oooooookay....

    PG? Rene, you got some x-rated TMI things to share?

    They weren't really complaints, but more like "I don't like the direction your blog is going" LOL!!

  17. Ummm....Ejack...Whether it smells or not? I'm no proctologist but ANYTHING that comes OUT yo ass...chances are...it's gonna' smell...I just saved you some time and nose hairs...

  18. Yeah, I can easily go there but you will get more of those comments so...I'll be back( In My Arnold Scwarsenegger voice)

    If someone is complaining about a Random Thought they holding in what they are thinking...

  19. Brooke and Ejack.....You guys don't know what at C.S. is? What rock are you guys hiding under? You gotta' get with the times...We're on the Jetsons and you still on some Flinstone shit...

  20. I don't think they were holding anything in, they just didn't want to know that much about everyone else I guess :-)

    I NOW know what a C.S. is and why am I not surprised you did that? :)

    I'm back in Jetson's mode, but I would have called it a D.S. :)

  21. Nah, C.S. has a better ring to it..It's a better sell...It's stronger...Get's right to the point...Like...HEY! Look! Yes...Look at it...No, don't turn your head...Look...Yes...Look...Look at it...in all its SPLENDOR...Ahhhhh yes....(Evil Laugh)...No, the veins are real...No photoshop on the veins...All real...

  22. Is this the C you were searching for????

  23. dang craig...

    and i need to know if it's FUNKY...there is a difference between "pew that stinks" and "GOT DAMN!!! THAT"S FUNKY!!!"

  24. Craig, you need help :-)

    so wait, what goes into making a good C.S.? I'm mad you wrote, "look at it...no look at it" LOL!!! You probaby have a whole C gallery.

  25. Ejack..."Pew that stinks or "Got Damn, thanks funky"..or even "is that diarrhea running down your leg?"...No matter where you take it...All that shit stinks...

    Now, if you just said...I like smelling my own farts...I'm cool with that 'cuz...I LOVE smelling mines. Not anyone elses...but I do love my own farts..I try to find each scent of what I ate for the day in my farts...I know what you're thinking...and no, it's not as easy as you think...

  26. Speaking of funny moms ...

    Back in high school, Johnny, Sox, Chris, Terrence & I went to play ball somewhere (in my pimp Amigo) and went over to T's house to get some Kool-Aide. We walk in and see his mom intensely playing cards at the dining table with three of her friends. We politely say "hello" and go quietly into the kitchen. After we down some too-sweet cherry Kool-Aide, we make our way out to grab a bite to eat. As we're walking out, she pokes her head up and says (loudly)

    "Terrence ... my car smells like pussy!"


    We all just fell over onto the front lawn. The ladies inside were craking up!

    That's the first time I ever saw a dark-skinned brotha blush!

    Oh, and I poop 3 to 5 times a day :-)

  27. Brooke I'm pregnant not dead! Lots of fucking still going on regularly!!!! TMI

  28. Brooke, it's all about the camera angle...The word you are looking to achieve here is "GIRTH"....

    Actually, I only had it posted for a weekend...But I got ALOT of replies...

  29. Vince!! LOL!! I never knew that story!!! He must have been REALLY embarrassed if he was blushing and you could actually TELL! LMAO!!

    Annamaria, ain't nobody say you weren't having sex, I said you can't tell your mom "NO!" Trust me, I know you still gets it in! LOL!!

    Craig...how many times did you take the pic before you posted it?

  30. Vincent...for real...3 to 5 times a day? You may want to google some blogs on colonics...That's ALOT of shitting...Does your ass crack burn by the end of day? Are you ALWAYS hungry? Damn, how big is your internal shit bag? So, 3 to 5 times a day..(Pause, thinking).....and this is EVERY DAY? Or like a day a week..Cuz, like for me, I designate Sundays to shread paper cuz I ain't got time for it during the week. So like..Is your shitting philosophy similar to this? I'm curious....

  31. Here's one...

    In High School a bunch of us went to a friends house to watch a movie. We all went in her parents room because thy had the best TV in the house. When she turned on the TV and VCR(insrting the movie we were going to watch) it it automatcally started to play and it was a video tape of her parents have anal sex...
    The look on her face was priceless..

  32. I think I'm going to go to lunch now before I read anything more that my ruin my appetite. I'll be back :-)

  33. That's classic Annamaria!!!!
    I am cracking up over here. That really made my day. LMAO!

    Okay, back to my grind!

  34. Brooke, I took around 50 pics before I decided which one best represented me...

    Ana...Don't mess around and give your child brain damage...All that head poking he's getting can't be good for him...

    3 to 5 times a day,Vince..Really? That sounds like a part time job to me...Do you get paid by the pound?
    I don't know if I should be disgusted or impressed...
    For real...You may want to WebMD that one...

  35. LOL @ Rene the Harlemite. And see the fact that he knew it was anal sex shows that his eyes didn't move. He did an orifice check! LOL

    Lantinegro running nude in June is bad for the junk.

    Annamaria - obviously getting it in runs in your family and Momo925's as well:-)

    Answering Brooke - I was not only caught during sex, but caught mid-stroke, a$$ in the air poised to go in for more. She was saying all kinds of filthy dirty stuff about "IT" and how long it had been since she had "IT" and how good "IT" was feeling. I heard the stair creak, looked up and dead in the face of her uncle who had turned the corner and was looking at me like "Huh?" He turned, walked to his room quickly & closed the door. She asked why I stopped. She almost died from embarrassment when I told her. Make sure you close the door people.

  36. Latinegro -correction- running nude in January is bad for the junk

  37. See Brooke...TMI Tuesdays wasn't that bad... A few Doo Doo stories.. a few fart stories...Latinegro streaking like he was born in the 60's... your usual tase from Annamarie.

    Ejackson... I smell my farts too. But I have to admit... since I've changed my diet... It usually doesn't require the Threat Level to be raised to Red like it used to.

    TMI - The older I get... the more I am willing to fart in public and walk away like it's not me!

  38. Parents doing anal on video ... classic.

    Yeah, I go a minimum of 3, sometimes 4 or 5. It's been like that for as long as I can remember ... I mean, I eat a lot - at least three full meals a day but usually four.

    And I snack, at least one orange or banana a day, a beer or a glass of wine, and always a good cup of coffee in the morning.

    No spicy taint either ... only after a really spicy Korean or Mexican dinner.

  39. LMAO... I have to admit I thought TMI Tuesdays was going to be worse this is us on a normal day!!!!

    Craig don't worry about my baby & his ore her brain damage.. We just checking to make sure it's awake in there & checking it's reflexes! Besides I can't help it. I'm hormonal! Baby is just going to have to deal...

    There are a LOT of stinky shitty people on this blog today! lol

  40. Fury,

    If it was bad, then I havent felt it...lol

  41. Speaking of shitty...What's up with the color of this page, B? I logged on to this site and I almost had a moment...I was ready to roll this page up and smoke a cyber blunt...What up with dat? It's looks like the guts to a Dutchmaster..Or as I like to call it...Dutchmaster Doo Doo...

    (SMH) Ana...that sounds like the most twisted and perverted threesome ever...You should be tased until Con Ed goes out of business for that one...(BZZZZ, to the infinite power)

  42. Annamaria your mom is hilarious!
    Rene I can only imagine the look on her face! Daaaaamn!

    Being that RT was too much for some folks TMI is definitely not for me. God bless and good night
    ;-) Ha, ha! Think I might have to keep my RTs to myself too...well a lot of them...i'll just email them instead :-( LOL!

  43. hey!!! are you trying to say my page is ugly!!??? Damn you Craig!

    Today is not as bad as it could have been, but I think most of you edited yourselves since I put a "no crassness" rule in here. I think alot of you held back! LOL!!

    I still know more about alot of you than I needed to :-)

  44. Random Thought: You do know I'll be here on Thursday, right?! ;-)

  45. Didn't say UGLY, B...All I'm saying is, it looks like a bag of chocolate I picked up in Brooklyn this weekend...

    Damn...is Amanda still going for 100 RT's??? Gurl, you got a lot going on in that brain of yours...TURN IT OFF!!! I turned mine off years ago...and life has been better for it...;-)

  46. Yeah, I held back for sure. If I think of one that is interesting and think you won't get any complaints then I'll post it.

  47. I guess I wanted us to start of pretty tame and work our way up. This is the first TMI Tuesdays, so I wanted people to get their feet wet first, myself included :-)

    Who knows what this will turn into :)

  48. This was tame Tuesdays...And for the record...for those of you who don't know..."C.S." means COCK SHOT! Thank you and have a great evening...

  49. OMG I LOVE the comments today. Sorry I couldn't get on to comment earlier. Pretty ricky I have what I call shitting shorts and i put them on specifically just to use the bathroom. I also have to have the faucet on too to get the hard ones out.

    My other TMI that most folks prob wouldn't expect from me is that I sort of like porn. Damn can't believe I admitted that. I get playboy for free (my company gives us free cable) and sometimes I watch. Some of it's very funny too!

    That's it for now... Thanks for keeping me laughing.

  50. yes, someone clued me into what it meant offline..thanks Craig.

    We need to give it room to grow. I'm sure by the next few months, this thing may become more of a confession blog than a TMI one :)

  51. shitting shorts? Glee...really?? LOL!! I think I like that one the best! LMAO!

    As far as my bathroom habits, I will say that I get inspired to write while I'm sitting there, so I bring my laptop in there with me. Sometimes I sit there for like an hour typing away, long after I've finished. I prop my feet up against the wall in front of me and just write. Sometimes I sit there for so long that my butt falls asleep, so I get up, stretch and then sit back down :-) My cat sits under my legs/feet purring the entire time and I find it to be so relaxing. I don't even wanna get up :-)

  52. Georgia Peach: you sort of like porn??? Why do I think you are holding back?? I think you love porn & spend hours watching it!!! Lmao Don't worry none of us can judge! Oh and playboy is not real porn it's wack! LOL

  53. B, one question: At what point in time do you FLUSH? An hour, huh? Do you flush at 59 minutes and 59 secs? And Is your cat SITTING under your legs or or passed out under your legs...whats that you say?

    EVERYONE watches porn...I accidently landed on a pregnant site once...you hear that Anna? Apparently, preggos are in demand...So it seems...Being as though they had a site up and all...

    ON A SERIOUS NOTE: I really feel bad for these unborn children. There should be an organization out there to help these kids. How fucked up is it to be born into this world with video of your mom gang bangin' a bunch of dudes...WHILE YOU WERE IN HER STOMACH...Poor child probably even tasted a dick or two...Very sad situtation...

  54. Wait...you get up...stretch...and then sit back down? LMAO!!!

  55. wait...I'm still stuck on "shitting shorts." So, what? you put them on just to pull them down? And when you're done, what do you do with them? take them off? I'm confused by that...

  56. Craig - I was never trying to make 100 but please give me the instructions on shutting it off...

  57. Instructions? You got me, Amanda...Don't have it...But I'm a very simple minded person...It's very easy for me to have blank moments...VERY EASY...

  58. Just in time, it seems. I have Georgia Peach's back. Playboy gets interesting late at night. It's like X porn not XXX porn. I used to have the black box (hood hook up with all free channels holla!) and I used to check it out.

    I found out one of my favorite (yep had a fav) hosts/adult stars from Playboy did a pregnancy video and was so turned off...especially after I searched high and low for it online then saw it. Not at all cool. LOL

  59. a pregnancy porn movie sounds so nasty to me...just not cool. Poor babies :(

    I didn't see my first porn until my freshman year at college, and then not another one til YEARS later into my 30's. It does nothing for me, maybe I just haven't seen any good ones.

  60. Playboy is Wack! Gimme my bootleg DVD's anytime! THIRSTY BOOTY part 3....BIG BOOTY SHAKERS part 4...

    what yall know about BANG BROTHERS????!!!! BIG TITS, CURVY ASSES or ROUND AND BROWN...

    Ok...here's some porn TMI...This woman was riding this guy...Reverse cowgirl..(Pause) waiting for some of you sex starved people to google that position.....Now, everything was cool until she tried to lean back...The guy unleashes the loudest shriek! No, yell or curse but a SHRIEK! LMAO!!!! She almost broke his dick...LMAO...(Wiping tears from eyes) whew...that was funny...

  61. My first form of porn growing up was "BENNY HILL"

  62. my first porn was a cartoon version. My parents had it...don't ask me why? lol I remember a little elf getting swallowed up into a dark tunnel (the woman's kooch) ...an echo...and then squirted out from rubbing what looked like a pink balloon in the dark tunnel. lol

    who actually has an animated porno? LMAO my parents are feaks!

  63. That may have been Fritz the Cat a very popular animated adult film from the 70s.

  64. yeah, your parents don't play! LOL!

    and look at Fury, the porn expert! LOL!

  65. It was my first time visiting Brooke up at Syracuse…lil sis coming to hang with big sis. I was hanging out with all her friends trying to do the “college” thing. I went with her to Brewster Boland to visit some guy friends she had – nothing but men on this floor. I had to pee while we were there, but I refused to go because I was afraid to pee on a “boy’s” floor and didn’t want a guy to walk in the bathroom while I was in there. So I sat there for HOURS having to pee. So when he finally left like a million hours later, the cold ass Syracuse weather hit me so hard and made me have to pee even more! We got all the way to the bottom of the hill where her dorm was (Haven) and I froze. I couldn’t move cuz I had to pee so bad. I stood there with my legs crossed. Brooke was cheering me, encouraging me to walk up the hill, “come on Nicole, you can’t make it, we’re almost there!” But I couldn’t do it. So finally I just uncrossed and let it go. Can you say RELIEF?! Brooke was dying laughing! I squatted down so I wouldn’t get it on my shoes and just peed on myself.

    When we got in the building, I ran to the bathroom and took my pants off. I had to wash them in the sink because I was leaving the next day and needed them to be clean…can’t take “pee pee” pants home. I was so embarrassed even though I don’t think noticed, but I didn’t care! I always tell Brooke not to tell anyone, yet I always bring it up. It was funny now that I look back on it.

    And the funniest thing about the whole story? Brooke’s dorm was shaped like a GIANT TOILET! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was taunting me! LOL!!

  66. oh, and another thing, when we were little, Brooke wouldn't let me talk til I was four years old. She always talked for me :)

    p.s. why you putting Kyce's business out on the street? lol!


    that story has me in stitches EVERY time! I didn't know she was holding it in all that time til we left. By then it was too late!

    I have tears in my eyes now, that was HILARIOUS! you had to see it!

  68. OMG!! I am dying laughing. That story is hilarious. That Syracuse cold will make you have to pee even if you DON"T have to go to the bathroom. And you walked across the ENTIRE campus doing the pee-pee dance? How'd you make it up the BB hill!! Brooke could've just watched your back in the men's bathroom. oh well bygones. The Haven toilet was def teasing you!

    I saw many a co-ed sorority chick squatting in public on the long walk in the middle of the night. They didn't keep their pants on though...

  69. I'm back. The pregnant porn has me disturbed and sometimes the more XXX porn is a little much for me, but the late night movies on Playboy are getting better Annamaria.

    As for the shitting shorts - they are just my special shorts that I keep (little plaid) SIFE shorts that I put on to go to the bathroom. I just have to remove my bottoms (jeans, skirts, whatever) and put them on to feel comfy in the bathroom. Don't judge... the name is just controversial.


  70. If you make a little ass flap on them then you don't ever have to take them off...LOL

  71. Sad News…

    Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.

    Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.

    Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half- baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions.

    Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart.

    The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.



  73. Dear Brooke-lyn,
    I know I haven't dropped a comment in a while but I told you about my PC availibility situation. Bare with me...hold on sista! I like TMI Tuesdays, the spin-off show of Random Thoughts Thurdsay.
    First, Craig n 'Em, "tasted a dick or two" had me cracking up like somebody was tickling me under the table! Hilarious!!
    I've been wracking my brain to come up with some TMI scenarios like the ones posted in the comments above but...I don't pass gas in public. Not even in front of my fam. I just CAN'T! One day my bro said "Do you fart? I mean forreal, in all my life, I've NEVER heard the sound or smelled your farts! That bothers me!" I HAVE to go to the restroom or hold it till I can get there. I also have to run the water when I'm moving my bowels.
    While in my senior year of college, I walked around naked for the 1st time alone. I always lived off-campus alone (had a roommate once) but I'd have a robe or pjs on all the time. My last apt had the bathroom downstairs and my bedroom upstairs. I'd taken a shower and forgot my robe in my bedroom. I had to walk upstairs naked...and found out I like it! Now as far as streaking in Jan. like Latinegro, I don't think I've graduated to that yet.
    I have so many male friends, I've either seen or at least heard of most popular porn on the market. Glee, I'm with you. I don't have Playboy but the X porn doesn't bother me so much and if it catches me on the right night in the right mood, I might actually enjoy it ;) Craig en'Em, Evasive Angels? What'chu got homie? I guess I'm kinda bias in leaning to the thicker girl flicks being as though I'm a big girl. Or maybe I'm force-fed those because that's what my boys watch. Or maybe because I am a thicker girl, I've subliminally gotten my boys to like those kinds of girls. Hey two of my boys married ladies who are size 14. I like to think I had something to do with that. IDK
    And that's all I have to say about that. Spread love my peoples!

  74. I think my next post will be on Firery Latinas...

  75. Annamaria, calm down...it'll be okay :)

    Nicole, your story was so cute! it made me smile.

    Princess, you never walked around naked before your senior year in college? wow. I walk around all the time naked, especially in the morning. But that's mainly because I hate my clothes nowadays and I'm trying to find something to wear. But I totally believe you don't fart in public, that sounds like SO you :-)

    You couldn't pay me to streak in January. Fiery Latinas huh? Is that a stereotype or are the ones I know just more tame than most?

    Gleana's thinking about putting an ass flap in her shitting shorts now :-)

  76. Craig I'm gonna cut that ass flap in immediately. Pranny one of the main reasons I live by myself is so I can walk around naked. Nothing better that's the way we came to this earth.

    Ok all the stories about farting make me realize that I am a gassy heffa so I do it a lot on my own. Although if I have to do it at work or something I try to hold it or go to the bathroom. I do think it's rude to just do it in public, but sometimes they just slip out on you. Brooke - loved the blog today...so much fun always!

  77. Nicole suggested the ass flap and I think it's a great idea! LOL!

    If I ever do pass gas in public, it's in my cubicle...and without fail, someone comes over to ask me something at that VERY moment... NEVER FAILS! LOL!! so I stopped :)
